A friend of mine told me that it is great to see my devotion to the work I do (for ACTIVE). And that sentence made me think. Am I devoted to the work? I think I am devoted to myself =) Because everything I do for ACTIVE is like living my dream.
Happy birthday..
One way communication
Good morning =)
This day
And have I mentioned that this day has been great?
Meeting with the IOGT - International office and IOGT-NTO International Institute gave me lots of visions and strenght. It is so cool to work for something I really believe in.
I can not wait untill IOGT International AC meeting in the end of October. Soon. =) Then we gonna decide who and how and when and I already know why =) Because we can have better world, where people feel good, cooperate, learn from each other, grow together and where alcohol works just as an external desinfection.
Almost like a puzzle =)
Fredrik is missing, Inese is behind the camera..
This day
Too long queue
This week
"I am here to serve you..hmm"
And I guess also Active people have noticed that. They can ask whenever and for whatever. It´s my pleasure to help if I can. If we just look at yesterday. There were some problems with traveling for some members of the preparation team of Strasbourg seminar so I stayed in the office untill half past eight and just helped. No problem. Then at eleven in the night I got sms from another member of the team: "I need to know the address of EYC and the name of the closest tram stop". Aha..I told to myself. OK. It happened to me also that I had not checked all the travel details before I went somewhere and I needed immediate help. And I got it from Fredrik without any complaints. So I really can understand that this can happen and I ran to the internet to find out (since I do not know such things just like that) and answered sms. What I really missed at that moment was kind of understanding that I also have some free time, maybe I rest on friday night after working 11,5 hour? Hmm...Or maybe I just do not work 24/7..
This is not about asking for help. I know that Active office work is more or less 24/7 and I know that the information needed at that time was very important and I did not hesitate for half a second to do everything to be able to answer it. This is more about the way of asking for help which equaled an order. That hurt a bit...
Now i could maybe try to move towards the kitchen and eat some breakfast also..four hours of listening to the discussion and writing is not enough for my stomach.
Good and bad
Another thing when one feels that "this is not fair" was when a friend of mine missed her plane because a train that was supposed to bring her to the plane got broken. One expects that the railway company will cover the ticket or will try to stop the plane or will offer some help at least but nope - it seems I would like too much! Even simple understadnig from the companie´s side was missing. At these moments I just wonder. We are able to fly to the Moon, we can clone people but we are not able to fix a system where social service would be socialfriendly..
Moreover in the end of the day I found out that I am a chicken. I am afraid of an old guy who can hardly breathe because he is behaving strange (sitting at the stairs inside our building at 23.00 o´clock telling me that he does not need any help). What I was afraid of? I guess I was mostly worried about the moment when he really would need a help. And that has to be changed!!!
High cows
Ingen reklam, tack
Man kan tro att det är ganska tydligt att jag inte vill ha nån reklam...
Jag verkligen vill inte få nån reklam. Jag tittar aldrig på det och bara kastar bort det.. Usch vilken slöseri. Jag vill inte bidra till nåt sånt.
Budskapet måste vara uppenbarligen tydligare...OK..det kommer! FIGHT!!!
Valets resultat säger inte hela sanningen
Sunflowers part 2
CONCLUSION: If the Sun doesn´t work, wind will work for sure.
Give peace a chance
I wish you happy peace =)
You are always on my mind
Vivat oppositionen!!!
The world has started spinnin the other direction..
Can anybody explain me what is happening? Extreme right wing has got back to the slovak parliament, they are getting votes in Germany and they got into some regional parliaments in Sweden. What is happening? Are people tired of diversity and tolerance? Are some peaceful days enough and now we need some "excitement" again? What are we afraid of when we close the door for understanding and solidarity? Variety?
I really do not understand.
But one thing is clear. I just have more energy to work for world without borders where humans appreciate each other, care about each other and their surrounding...
And I am sure I am not the only one!!!
Valets resultat
Valet valet..
Jag är faktist jättenyfiken hur ska det bli i de svenska grupper.
Valet är snart slut
Maik has asked me to post the picture of Earth as well. Originally I thought to post it together with the lyrics. Then I decided to make a separate entry in this blog and post two pictures of Earth. Yes very much inspired by the movie "An inconvenient truth". So here it comes - Earth. Where is my place at this planet? Where is my place in Universe?
Wherever it is, IT IS and I will do everything to keep Earth at least as wonderful if not better as it is today so all the others can enjoy as I do.
Those who missed "47" last year have a chance to celebrate "49" this year. Novemeber 25th is THE day. We will be there =)
Nu har jag bestämt mig. Och har blivit medlem också. Och det känns himlabra!
Och miljöpartiets affischer var de bästa tycker jag!
Happy birthday!!!
Here are the lyrics from the movie´s main song ("I need to wake up" - Melissa Etheridge).
I’ve been so still
Afraid of crumbling
Have I been careless?
Dismissing all the distant rumblings
Take me where I am supposed to be
To comprehend the things that I can’t see
Cause I need to move
I need to wake up
I need to change
I need to shake up
I need to speak out
Something’s got to break up
I’ve been asleep
And I need to wake up
And as a child
I danced like it was 1999
My dreams were wild
But the promise of this new world
Would be mine
Now I am throwing off the carelessness relief
To listen to an inconvenient truth
I am not an island
I am not alone
I am my intentions
Trapped here in this flesh and bone
I want to change
I need to shake up
I need to speak out
Something’s got to break up
I’ve been asleep
And I need to wake up
Ja eller nej
Just nu tittar jag på Partiledarutrågning 2006 och de är så bra på att inte svara på frågor! Mest på Ja/Nej frågor. Alliansen alltså.
Igår var det mycket bättre!!!
running with a guy
and then I realized..
I would love to run with Dante
the dog of mine...
Check check CHECK! is VERY GOOD to keep all the receipts in order from the beginning. I was sleeping minimum time during the bus tour cause I was doin finances in the nights, but it was SO WORTH it!
And I still think the bus tour was GREAT =)
Check check
Am so happy right now..things are being solved one by one. Tickets for to Strasbourg are bought (not that easy to find cheap tickets with many different time requirements such not before 12.oo and not after 11.oo etc). I am signed in to University (my last year - actually half year) and sun is shining =) Yupiiii!!!!!
Msn meeting
I recommend you to see it
As I wrote yesterday before I left to the cinema..I was sure I would have one more thing to write about. The movie I have seen impressed me a lot! I would say that it is the best movie of this year I have seen. "An inconvenient truth" is the name of the movie. Al Gore is describing the processes influenced by us which leads to global warming, spreading deseases and viruses we have already combated, about different species dying out because of our greediness (actually us - people dying out too) and enjoyment of an actual pleasure on behalf of natural disaster in some years (or in some months). He demonstrated clear facts and clear connections between our lives and what is happening around us and to us. All the huricanes and tornados, drying out and floods - simply all the chaos..It made me cry several times. It was hard to see innocent animals sufferring (for example polar bears drown when swimming because they got exhausted and do not have any iceberg to rest - it´s melted), nature struggling...and people ignoring it for feeling comfort, for being rich..
We all are inhabitants of this planet and behaviour of one and each has an impact on the whole world believing it or not. And as each of us can destroy the Earth, each of us can help and safe what is left. I will be very careful about spending energy, water, separating garbage, buying nature - friendly products etc.
See and definitely go and see the movie: "An inconvenient truth" Take your friends with u, enjoy and...and do what u consider right to do!
Der deutche blog #1
Great music
Hello, here is XY..would you like to buy...
My life with volunteers
I have mentioned some time ago that the new volunteers arrived to Sweden. As I expected it is lot of fun with them. Today I am bringing some parts of dialogue with Maja:
We all live in a house placed in the very centre of town. On Maja´s first day in Sweden we decided to go out for a walk. We left the house, reached the pedistrian zone in 30 seconds I guess I mentioned smth like "This is the main shopping street in the town and there not far away you can see our castle" Right after that Maja asked: "How far is the centre?" Kristina: "Hmm..two steps" ..Maik: "Or one jump"
Another story about Maja. We were biking from the office to the town to have some lunch. I was biking as the first one and when looked back I could see all the others but Maja. So I slowed down, Maja reached us, then we went on. When we reached the place, I asked Maja: "Where were u in the beginning?" Maja answered. "I was in the end"..Hihi..I think it was very funny =)
Inspired by religion talk
If we just take that one thing Foxpox mentioned: "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply" Genesis (1:28). I do not see any problem with it nowadays. Lesbians and gays can do that too thanks to development of medicine and technology. So in my interpretation of this part of Bible they are all welcome to live together happily ever after.
I actually think in very broad perspective that lesbians and gays should not be mentioned neither at religion lessons nor ethics. I would be happy if they didn´t need to be mentioned as a separate cathegory which needs to be discussed under moral issues for example. We usually do not refer to nongays as to heterosexuals. We refer to them as people, or just boys or girls, women and men. So why is it so important to mention that someone is gay?
I think there are many other more important things to be taken into consideration...
Would write smth but gotta run
Friday morning without breakfast...
I have forgotten to eat breakfast today... I woke up 1,5 hour before going to work. I had plenty of time to eat BUT I have found more interesting activity than eating..
First I was decorating my laptop case, cause it is just black and I prefer colours or some little special detail:
After I have finished the case, I found out that the sunflower I had on the table and sun were "talking" so I took some pictures:
And then I went to work..=)
I cant wait till the next training.
Designed for Hedgehogs..
It is very nice that they think of animals. I just wonder if it is possible to design them in a way so there won´t be possible to throw them away in the streets and parks. Only into trash bins..hmmm..maybe a challenge for world of design!
Some month ago I wrote a blog about missing this spontaneous sport activities with friends..and here it´s come =) Yupiiii!!!
Pray or play!
First of all I do not thing religion belongs to schools. Not in that way we have it now. With all respect to those who are religious, religion lessons are only about christianity and it involves praying also. I am not churchgoer but when I was little I chose religion cause I wanted to learn more about it. I was slashed by teacher who was actually parson(!) cause I did not know how to pray. Thanks..Right after that I changed to ethics. I didnt want to feel anxious at the lessons
Second I believe that also people who believe in God (or are being tought to believe ) deserve ethics. Slovak ethics lessons are mainly about games which are focused on personal development, learning about oneself and about human relationships - doesnt matter what one believes or not believes in. Why should not everybody have this opportunity? I am definitely against the division!
What mythological person u r
Test claims I am a mermaid
You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.
What mythological person are you?
World of topmodels
We are creating our world and we are the world so why to blame others?
She is a criminal..
She is forbidden to enter Scandinavia and there were some speculations about Shengen countries as well. Why? Because she was working one year (legally) as a volunteer for something she believes in - for peace and tolerance, for drug free lifestyle, for mutual understanding, for youth all over Europe...
Irony is that she was dealing with visas and travels and she did it really great. Found the best connections, called embassies, fixed documents..and now..just because she is not coming from the right country, she can sit at home and wait three months till she can feel free to travel wherever (relatively) she wants again.
This system makes one feel as a criminal of the century sometimes...