I recommend you to see it
As I wrote yesterday before I left to the cinema..I was sure I would have one more thing to write about. The movie I have seen impressed me a lot! I would say that it is the best movie of this year I have seen. "An inconvenient truth" is the name of the movie. Al Gore is describing the processes influenced by us which leads to global warming, spreading deseases and viruses we have already combated, about different species dying out because of our greediness (actually us - people dying out too) and enjoyment of an actual pleasure on behalf of natural disaster in some years (or in some months). He demonstrated clear facts and clear connections between our lives and what is happening around us and to us. All the huricanes and tornados, drying out and floods - simply all the chaos..It made me cry several times. It was hard to see innocent animals sufferring (for example polar bears drown when swimming because they got exhausted and do not have any iceberg to rest - it´s melted), nature struggling...and people ignoring it for feeling comfort, for being rich..
We all are inhabitants of this planet and behaviour of one and each has an impact on the whole world believing it or not. And as each of us can destroy the Earth, each of us can help and safe what is left. I will be very careful about spending energy, water, separating garbage, buying nature - friendly products etc.
See www.climatecrisis.net and definitely go and see the movie: "An inconvenient truth" Take your friends with u, enjoy and...and do what u consider right to do!
Yes, I do agree, since I've also seen the movie. (what a coincidence.. ;))
I don't understand what you mean by we are dying out? It was illustrated that the human population is increasing rapidly, wasn't it?
And yes, I reccomend as well that people tell the truth, stand up for the truth, so that those spreading wrong things no longer have a chance.
Listen to your heart and start being the difference that you wish for this world, is what I'd like to add to this important blogg!
If the nature dies - we will die too. So from the long loooooong perspective - we are dying out too!
Nice site... Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! Good Site