Pray or play!
First of all I do not thing religion belongs to schools. Not in that way we have it now. With all respect to those who are religious, religion lessons are only about christianity and it involves praying also. I am not churchgoer but when I was little I chose religion cause I wanted to learn more about it. I was slashed by teacher who was actually parson(!) cause I did not know how to pray. Thanks..Right after that I changed to ethics. I didnt want to feel anxious at the lessons
Second I believe that also people who believe in God (or are being tought to believe ) deserve ethics. Slovak ethics lessons are mainly about games which are focused on personal development, learning about oneself and about human relationships - doesnt matter what one believes or not believes in. Why should not everybody have this opportunity? I am definitely against the division!
Religion in schools? Oh my God, the Middle Ages are comming back :-)
It's interesting, what kind of religion they study in Slovak schools?
i actually think religion belongs to schools, when its taught as general story of all major religions in the world. for me its part of general education and intelligence. and in today´s world, where so much misunderstanding is happening due to not understanding eachother, especially when it comes to religion, this lesson would reduce this a lot.
of course then the question of good and neutral teachers come, but i dont see why this couldnt be solved. but religion is very present today, so i dont think callin it an ancient think, is fair.
Exactly my point Kadri. And when I signed for the religion lessons, I expected that what u described. To learn about different religions, impact of religion etc. But it wasnt like that. The religion was in roman catholic spirit, reading and talking about what we can NOT and what we HAVE to.
well, thats rather stupid. i mean freedom of belief.. as i study in estonia theology, i can say that the ones who study to become a teacher in normal school, they are good. but i guess it depends on a person and on the country. probably countries, where catholic church is more dominant, this is more difficult.
Yes, as "general story of all major religions in the world" it's not bad. But what are 'major'?
Are woodo and shamanism major?
"good and neutral teachers" What are neutral teachers? Who will not tell to children that gays and lesbians are dirty perverts (according to the Bible, not according to me) Romans (1:26,27) ?
And IMHO can be problems with extremist organizations. Just tell smth about ... Genesis (2:18) etc and will come crazy feminists :-)
kadri, I like Tallinn very much, it's a fantastic city
general story includes 7 majore religions in the world, as well general concepts of science of religion. shamanism etc goes under animism.
neutral is the one, who tells important parts of all religions. gays, lesbians should not come up at all, since this would taught then in ethics or similar. has nothing to do with religion lesson.
and bible shouldnt be interpreted as feministic, chauvinistic or similar. its a revelation of God for believers and thats it.
and yes tallinn is pretty, but Tartu is much better..:-)
But why is the church against lesbians and gays then? And why shouldnt it come up at all at the religion lessons?
Tartu is very nice =) And one school there - especially its gym hall is very cosy =)
i cant argue about why the church is against, this one thing what is not understandable for me.
reason why it shouldnt come up in religion lesson, is that it will be then moral lesson and presenting things only from one side. and not only christian church is against many things. maybe they should be mentioned, but i things this is a difficult path to take.
"7 majore religions in the world". Why 7? 1. Christianity (including all christian confessions, Euro, none-Euro (for ex. American Mormons etc).
2. All other religions. And ... why there is not shamanism? Is shamanism is worst than Buddhism? Is religion of Polynesian cannibals is worst than Judaism? Is Woodo worst than Mohammedanism? After all, who knows maybe all religions are just tales, folklore?
Why in religion lessons? But where? Okay, in biology lesson a teacher can tell about 3% of pupulation have innate homosexualism ... what else? I don't know.
In lessons of "in ethics or similar"? NEVER. It's #1 Evil in modern Western schools. There children only can get a monstrous mendacious medley which calls "politcorrectness". Instead of ability to learn to thinking children get a muzzle. Instead of freedom of speach - a muzzle of politcorrectness.
Why schools need religious lessons? Sing psalms? Or listen to CD "Pope John Paul II - 1999 - Abba Pater"? :-)
What Bible tells about gays & leabians?
That God created Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve (old joke :-)
In Romans (1:26,27) there is full information. So Bible tells that homosexuality is against God. It's not enough? Okay ... Jude (6,7).
Bible stands for good and healthful family. "Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband." 1 Corinthians (7:3), "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife" 1 Peter (1:7) etc etc etc.
What were the very first words of God to people? "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply" Genesis (1:28). Can hehe a "family" of lesbians or zoophiles or gays do it? :-)
I think a teacher must not tell "you don't" or "you must not" to pupils. Just inform what Bible tells. Let children think themselves.
Once upon a time at one site were published photos of "lesbian wedding" - one girl in beautiful wedding dress, another in man's suit. And I wrote comment under one photo.
"Ritual transvestism... It was particularly prevalent in Europe from the late 16th century to the 19th century. Now it's possible to see it only at Momkubulwana festival, where Zulu people make cross dressing".
Under another photo I wrote,
"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God" Deuteronomy (22:5).
And in a pair of days girl removed all "wedding photos". It 'cos the girl was very clever :-)
to firefox
christianity is one of the majore ones, as well as animism, what includes also shamanism...
and when it comes to telling what bible tells, i dont think a religion teacher has the right to tell children what she/he thinks that holy books tell. that everyone should figure out on their one. it can be told, that church takes this or that position, but one cannot tell when it comes to bible smth is totally right or wrong, on next page you might find smth totally different and contradictory!
anything in the world can be exlained with the bible, probably also all other holy books, as koran etc, can do the same. thats why these kind of things should not be explained. its the matter of interpretation.
teacher should explain whats God in all religions, where the person stands in this world etc. very general things, what actually have an answer.
Why shamanism is animism? Some people think that it's not a primitive religion :-)
I don't know what is written in african and azian books like Koran, Abhidhammapitake Puggalapannattipali or Magic book of West-African cannibals. I just know that in the Bible is written that homosexualsm it's against God. And teachers who don't tell it to pupils, about them Bible tells "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him" (Titus 1:16)
And ... do you remember track of Gernam project U96 "Love Religion"? IMHO it's the best religion in the world :-)
why is animism primitive to you?
its believing in spirits and similar.. i have never referred to it as primitive, cause its not.
the U96 i sadly dont know
Excellent site.