First handball match of the season..
The result was 21:11 for us and I scored around 7 times. I am not sure about that number. What is nice about playing in this team is that I do not count how many points I did, I do not check the score all the time, I just play. And nice passes make me extra happy. Tomorrow I go to training again =) Hurraaaaaa!!!!!
Maik has asked me to post the picture of Earth as well. Originally I thought to post it together with the lyrics. Then I decided to make a separate entry in this blog and post two pictures of Earth. Yes very much inspired by the movie "An inconvenient truth". So here it comes - Earth. Where is my place at this planet? Where is my place in Universe?
Wherever it is, IT IS and I will do everything to keep Earth at least as wonderful if not better as it is today so all the others can enjoy as I do.
I recommend you to see it
As I wrote yesterday before I left to the cinema..I was sure I would have one more thing to write about. The movie I have seen impressed me a lot! I would say that it is the best movie of this year I have seen. "An inconvenient truth" is the name of the movie. Al Gore is describing the processes influenced by us which leads to global warming, spreading deseases and viruses we have already combated, about different species dying out because of our greediness (actually us - people dying out too) and enjoyment of an actual pleasure on behalf of natural disaster in some years (or in some months). He demonstrated clear facts and clear connections between our lives and what is happening around us and to us. All the huricanes and tornados, drying out and floods - simply all the chaos..It made me cry several times. It was hard to see innocent animals sufferring (for example polar bears drown when swimming because they got exhausted and do not have any iceberg to rest - it´s melted), nature struggling...and people ignoring it for feeling comfort, for being rich..
We all are inhabitants of this planet and behaviour of one and each has an impact on the whole world believing it or not. And as each of us can destroy the Earth, each of us can help and safe what is left. I will be very careful about spending energy, water, separating garbage, buying nature - friendly products etc.
See and definitely go and see the movie: "An inconvenient truth" Take your friends with u, enjoy and...and do what u consider right to do!
Hello, here is XY..would you like to buy...
Would write smth but gotta run
I cant wait till the next training.
But I think it is just like with shut off simply!
Bus stop
I was chatting with Sveta (who was also one of the passers by) and she told me that i wasn´t a bus stop..because I dont let all the buses stop.."All exclusive bus stop" did Sveta say..
Anyway..if u wanna stop u have to give sign to the driver ;-)
Cleanin and thinking
Today I just moved to the office and continued many papars which used to be so important just some days ago - programme for the congress, list of workshops, list of participants..and now..all those things are just matured for a trash bin. Together with some even older papers and things..
It feels actually good to throw away. To make space for new things and...just to make space. When cleaning, my soul also got somehow ligther..
When cleaning I was also thinking. Many things I was throwing away reminded me past. I was throwing away past...No I wasn´t. I realized that we people are like huge photo albums - caring inumarable ammount of pictures from every moment we live. And then our pictures are base for another stories...
Bye bye Pluto...and don´t worry..I do not care what cathegory you belong to...the most important thing is that you exist!

My day today..
So no funny reports about latest research results today.
My hypothesis seems to be right. It makes me very excited and I cant wait untill I have results from focus groups...
Otherwise am also fine. It has been raining for several days already. I don´t care. I got really soaked on my way from library, but I was happy that I had not get soaked on the way TO library. It would have been worse. Sitting there 6 hours all wet wouldn´t be fun. After library I went to town to meet Malin. Havent met her for several months so we had a lot to catch up on. We were talking a lot about the summer and it made me feel warm inspite all the rain outside. This summer was really great, full of memories have finally settled down =)
Now I´m gonna read for a reading Marian Keyes: The other side of the story. Rather entertaining and also thoughts provokoing. Makes me think about moral and what is right and wrong.
And am gonna brush my teeth today also ;-)
I know people without teeth with great memory..but one never knows - it might be even better..
Now I run to brush my teeth ;-)
Hedgehog rescuers
Today, when I was walking with Madlena in night town we found a hedgehog. He was rushing somehwere. He seemed to be very confident about the way he took and he was very close to a grass area nearby a church. So we just stopped to watch him. Right at the corner he found a plastic cup with some rests of ice cream. Unsurprisingly he stuck in his curious muzzle and savoured the left - overs. Such a sweet picture =) After some time of enjoying the cup got stuck on his muzzle and he couldnt get rid of it =) Fortunately me and Madlena were at the place ready to rescue him =)
I just hope we helped in the both cases. i hope there wasnt a whole hedgehog family waiting for our globetrotter hedgehog and I hope our choicy-tongue hedgehog didnt want to take the cup with him to share the ice cream with other friends...
I miss a bit..
Then I miss NOM people. NOM is a slovak youth temperance organisation. Two years ago we organized EGTYF Camp and Congress and now when getting ready for a new congress I think a lot about them and I realize more and more how great job NOM people did. And how great time we had when we met and had some activity together. Maybe not very preffessional with hundreds of people but very cosy. Each of us felt being welcome.
And I miss my classmates. From secondary school and from university. Looong talks and common projects. Eating some sandwich on stairs in front of the school or in a nearby park. Complaining about low level of knowledge received or about demanding teachers =)
I simply miss right now..
I forgot to tell you..
The man in the wheelchair...
...I wrote about - I stopped by and talked to him. Several times already. And I am always welcome =) Some days ago when we went by car and passed the crossroad he usally sits at, he saw me and waved. Later on I found out that I was not the only one he waves to. There are many drivers he recognizes and they are aware of him and they wave back. And smile =) Such a warm feeling! Really warm!!!!
A short story
I was eating outside today. While I was waiting for my food I saw two(!) similar situations. A person sitting at the table, wind lighly blowing, one napkin just flows and flies down from the table to the floor. The person staring at the napking all the time during the "process"...and ...that´s the end of the story. I do not think this was happy end.
If I could finish the story I would say: And the person just bends down and picks up the napkin cause it is very easy and very nice to do.
This day..
..and now I am going to sleep with all my thoughts...
natti natti!