
Postat av: Katka
I am still amazed where the gentleness in your pictures comes from. It's a mystery for me. You make pictures of quite "ordinary" things like ducks ;-), flowers, trees. And the gentleness seems just to come from thin air. I definitely don't see it usually when I look on things through my glasses ;-)
Postat av: Maja
But they are still babies!!! They don't know how to act in a situation yet... =) You should give them a lession ;)
Postat av: Kristina to Katka
Thank you Katka =)I am happy that I am able to transfere it into the pictures. At least for you =)
Postat av: Kristina to Maja
Aha - OK Maja =) Then tomorrow we (me and sunflowers) will start with sunrise and finish with sun set. I hope people at work will excuse my absence =)