Strange feeling..
That also made me think. Some of my friends might think I forgot them. I have to admit my activity online has decreased rapldly. The reason is that I realized it is not very healthy to sit in front of the pc so many hours as I do. Moreover when I am online at work - my attention is divided among 5 organisations, 5 other individuals talking to me and the volunteers of course. I feel a bit washed out when I am closing pc in the office. So I go and play handball in the afternoons/evenings. Handball was smth that has kept me pretty busy recently. And it will keep me busy in the future since our team is aiming on higher division =) Feels good =)
So yes - friends. You are not forgotten. I just remembered my health =) And I will also find my way back to you.
Conflicts solution..
Weekend means...
Tomorrow I am expecting a parcel from Amazon =)
And btw.. now I know what "beef" means in rap langauge =)
Last month as president
Me like! =)
Utveckling samtal/development discussion
Sitting in Juvente Norway office after the meeting with Emil. We had "develpment discussion" talking Active, board - office cooperation/communication, improvements. I liked it. It´s great to think over future, directions etc.Feels good =) Feels that we all can grow.
I got to listen to some norwegian, to meet some nice people and since we are in Oslo I got to buy me my favourite baguette. I could have meetings here much more often =) Eventhough my legs aftre 5 hours in bus were a bit numb. On the other hand the view during travelling was amazing - I felt spring in the air =)
Can´t wait..
Not a usual saturday..
I did smth for the team, I have learnt smth new and it is still lots of time left till the evening.
Came home - Aysa from Moldova called. She got visa. Alleluja! BUT..she got visa to France for the seminar that starts tomorrow and I am supposed to buy her a ticket. Ja ja.. if she made it through embassy, then a travel problem won´t stop us.
Yes..Aysa will go to France =)
So now I can eat smth for some minutes and then off I go to bring Ukraine and Sweden a bit closer to each other and to the rest of the Europe maybe =)
Surprise in the end of the day..
Let me bring some light into the problem...
My favourite words part 5
A swedish word for a: person with whom one lives, partner, common-law spouse
Handball handball has happened again..
Good that I was not emotionally attached to the bike. But still it was practical to have.
Bye bye bike!
En fantastisk bra teknik...
How could I forget?
I forgot to share a very very important information. I have learnt to play Domino. I have been member of Active for 8,5 year and did not know how to play Domino untill "actio2552" meeting two weeks ago. I have no clue how I managed to avoid it but I am sure I did not try to avoid it.
So I know now. Since Frank (our Domino guru) did not bring Domino "stones" but only Domino "cards" (easier to carry them when travelling) we beginners had pretty tricky situation. It is very good to have an overview over the stones/cards one has. And with stones it is much easier than with the cards. I think that the pics can speak for me =)
Troubles with cards:
it worked in the end:
Pictures by: Jan Tore
Today I go to sleep longer in the morning and wake up without alarm clock (I actually do not remember when I did that last time. I guess it was somewhen after I came back from the seminar in Slovakia). Then I went out with Dante and thought about a thing I have to share now. I was thinking about happiness. Recently I have had great time walking Dante. I do not know what exactly happened but each time when we walk outside I feel very happy. I listen to some music, I do not care about rain and mud around and I feel like singing or running or just jumping from time to time. But I don´t do any of those things. I just walk, meet or pass by people, maybe smile at those who comment how cute Dante is and continue my way. Why don´t I sing if I feel for singing? Why don´t I jump a bit? I feel that it would not be socially suitable behaviour. I wonder why it is like that. Why don´t we allow ourselves to express happiness? Why do we have norms for happiness?
Happiness is sometimes very appreciated. We usually like people who are happy and light hearted. At the same time we look strange at people who are "too" happy and express it. Then we are doubtful or sceptical.Chidlren are untill some point allowed to express their happiness. And some point...we just set limits. Why do we forbid each other to be happy? I don´t think a dancing person on a street would hurt someone.
One year ago
Right now I am answering an interview for Estonian youth council about Active . I like the questions very much since they allow me to explain what Active really is and offer our perspective. And sitting here, thinking and asnwering I realized that it is exactly one year since I took my graduation exams. One year ago I walked to the University last time as a student, all the knowledge summing up in my head again and again, feeling how great it would be to have some more time to read through everything to make sure I really know it. And then I just got the questions, prepared the answers, presented them, defended my thesis, waited for results, got the results and went home. I remember how the closest people called me immediately. Congratulated and were happy with me. It was a wonderful day. It was a day when I had to overcome some doubts, had to believe in myself and had to show that I can. It was a challenge I managed and it gave me wings. I came to the end of one path. My parents do not need to worry anymore about my education. They managed to provide everything to enable me to be ready for working life in an area I have chosen. That eases a lot.
I miss that day and at the same time I am happy I do not need to go through that again. I miss my studies. I miss my classmates and the students life style ( I do not complain about my current lifestyle though)
I think I will always celebrate this day.
Web of dreams

Freaky..On 11th of October 2007 I wrote that two people dreamt of me the same night. Today I got to know that the same people dreamt of me the last night too. These two people know each other through Active but live far from each other and do not talk/chat that much together.
The best thing is that one of them was in the other one´s dream together with me as well.
Some seminar thoughts...
...about national identity
Why should I be proud of High Tatras (Slovak mountains) just because I am a Slovak?
Why should I be proud of my ancestors who "won" a fight for their/my rights?
Why should I be proud of a slovak national hockey team that won some championship?
I think I can be happy about it. I can be happy that there are such a beatiful mountains in the world but I have not built them and I haven´t decided to be born in Slovakia. So why should I be proud? Shouldnt I be proud only of something I have done or I have contributed to? Tatras are beautiful. Alps as well. And I have heard that Mount Everest is also kinda astonishing ;-)
Being proud about my ancestors. Why should I be proud of something they have done? I can be happy that they did. As many other people who have nothing to do with "my" country did. But why should their acts and their decisions make ME feel special about myself? The same goes for any sport team.
I do not want to hide behind national identity, gender identity etc and derive a good feeling about myself or excuses for who I am based on something I have not influenced...
The renewed room

And here are some more pics from the rest of the room: