...while taking breath/break...
I feel like an application/report machine. Have written/read/corrected 2 EU reports + 3 EU applications in 3 weeks (including Easter holidays and some day off). Those who have seen those form will understand =) Besides that I have dealt with other things such Active seminars, emails, Transit etc. I feel little bit proud of myself =) but there are still some applications left and people count on my help so I will not spent lots of time being satisfied but will better go and read/correct some more because the 1st of April (deadline) is closing up.
NORDGU office
This is how it looks like right now. Stina working on Tool-kit and Callender at the same time. High-tech data centre =)
Why why why?
Why would I write some project and do other usefull stuff if I can "argue" with the printing machine instead?
New agenda
it´s time to buy me an agenda for 2008. New meetings and events are being planned so I do not double book smth!
Both worlds
Sitting at the airport. Due to some problems I wait for the next fly so catching up on emails I have not seen since wednseday morning and thinking... I´ve just left a great great event - NORDGU seminar in Köpenhamn. In my eyes it was a great success. We got participants from Faroe Islands, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Some of the countries haven´t participated in such event for years. So I am very proud of us that we managed to get them to the seminar AND to prepare a "nice, inspiring and fruitful" (as they said) time for them. And now I am heading to Oslo to IOGT International AC meeting. The realization that I am going to meet a group with the same goals as the group at the seminar but of a totally different age is really exciting. It is great to experience "both" worlds - to have clue what is happening and not to sit only at the table in the office and do some work from there.
So yes..now I have to set my mind from games and jumping around on IOGT Int. documents and reports. I like both!!!! =)
Greetings from Copenhagen =)
So yes..now I have to set my mind from games and jumping around on IOGT Int. documents and reports. I like both!!!! =)
Greetings from Copenhagen =)
Me like =)
I like being effective at work =)
I think I have learnt how to divide tasks among my collegues so everything is done on time and nobody is stressed or bored =) and that feels very good!!!
I think I have learnt how to divide tasks among my collegues so everything is done on time and nobody is stressed or bored =) and that feels very good!!!
Full days...
How did my last week look like:
Friday - Work and Copenhagen in the evening
Saturday - Sunday: Faroe Islands (arrival home after midnight on sunday)
Monday - working from home (originally planned to have a free day after working during weekend but but..some applications had to be written), handball training, walking Dante with Andreas for more than 1.5 hour
Tuesday - work, running to the training, training, msn meeting with UNF (2 hours), walking with Dante very late
Wednesday - work untll 20.00, walking Dante and Andreas for more than 1,5 hour again (having phone call from a friend at the same time)
Thursday - work, watching Capoeira for some minutes, coming home...
...now I should improve my applications but I think I will rest reading Harry Potter (it´s getting exciting) and then training and Dante (and it is raining...). I hope I will be fresh enough to go back to the applications then.
Friday - Work and Copenhagen in the evening
Saturday - Sunday: Faroe Islands (arrival home after midnight on sunday)
Monday - working from home (originally planned to have a free day after working during weekend but but..some applications had to be written), handball training, walking Dante with Andreas for more than 1.5 hour
Tuesday - work, running to the training, training, msn meeting with UNF (2 hours), walking with Dante very late
Wednesday - work untll 20.00, walking Dante and Andreas for more than 1,5 hour again (having phone call from a friend at the same time)
Thursday - work, watching Capoeira for some minutes, coming home...
...now I should improve my applications but I think I will rest reading Harry Potter (it´s getting exciting) and then training and Dante (and it is raining...). I hope I will be fresh enough to go back to the applications then.
Faroe Islands
So my weekend I spent there. I wrote I was going to a rainy weather but actually only first welcome was very rainy but the rest of the day and the next day was sunny and just beautiful. For a moment also very very windy but it was actually fun. The wind was so strong that it was pulling the corners of my mouth making me smile =) Seriously. And it was fun to walk against it in 60 degrees angle =)
I felt like at home in Torshamn. This was my third visit and I knew where the places were. Where to go to eat and where to find what. Also people we met are now like old friends =) I like it there. In the end I think I will volunteer to go to Faroe Islands as a volunteer =)
I will come back again. It is the best place to go when one wants to find peace. The hills covered by soft grass are just like covered by a veil. Everything is calm and cosy. And magic! And far not that cut from the civilization as people think. There is University, there are schools, shops, concerts, industry. Just so u know =)

Moreover I had a great company to travel with. Stina was just fun =)
I have a very nice work and very nice collegues!
I felt like at home in Torshamn. This was my third visit and I knew where the places were. Where to go to eat and where to find what. Also people we met are now like old friends =) I like it there. In the end I think I will volunteer to go to Faroe Islands as a volunteer =)
I will come back again. It is the best place to go when one wants to find peace. The hills covered by soft grass are just like covered by a veil. Everything is calm and cosy. And magic! And far not that cut from the civilization as people think. There is University, there are schools, shops, concerts, industry. Just so u know =)

Moreover I had a great company to travel with. Stina was just fun =)
I have a very nice work and very nice collegues!
Right now I have finished a report written all in Swedish. It is for the first time I wrote some "official" paper in this language. It was fun to do that. Thanks to online dictionary also. I used it mostly to check spelling.
OK I have not gotten any feedback yet and I am sure that in some months I will look at it and wonder how could I construct such sentences (grammaticallywise) but still - right now it is a good feeling =)
Jag är nöjd =)
OK I have not gotten any feedback yet and I am sure that in some months I will look at it and wonder how could I construct such sentences (grammaticallywise) but still - right now it is a good feeling =)
Jag är nöjd =)
New beginnings
Friday and Saturday were projects/seminars planning days. Friday - msn meeting with Jan and Kristiina to plan
25+ activity in autumn. This activity has been awaited several years already so I really hope it will bring lomg perspective results.
Saturday was NORDGU day when me and Astrid planned the seminar for nordic temperance organisations. It will be the first one of that kind after long time of NORDGU´s silence. But now NORDGU is back on track. It feels very good to be part of it =)
25+ activity in autumn. This activity has been awaited several years already so I really hope it will bring lomg perspective results.
Saturday was NORDGU day when me and Astrid planned the seminar for nordic temperance organisations. It will be the first one of that kind after long time of NORDGU´s silence. But now NORDGU is back on track. It feels very good to be part of it =)