I have to admit I liked this day very much.
I have seen my new apratement which is bigger than my current one (it is really needed to move and to get a bit more space) and I got to know that I can move in as soon as I am back from Slovakia. Whooo it means cleaning and packing and unpacking but it is a very pleasant problem.
I have also seen a handball team which invited me to play with them and I spoke to a manager of another handball team that invited me as well. So now I can even choose =) My arm is OK and I can´t wait to play handball again. I hope I will play better than I managed at bowling today. Since I am leaving to SK on wednesday evening this evening was the last one with Tiina so we decided to spent it together doing something nice. I did not win this time but I was also trying unusual things such spinning (Burken´s influence) or planning backwards (my own invention).
So now to bed, then wake up early in the mroning, finish things to be finished in the office, meet Anna - "hand in" Dante (the best dog ever) and a train to Nyköping.
The travel on thursday will be fun. Early from Skavsta to Frankfrut Hahn, then 10 hours waiting and then plane to Bratislava. So my new iPod will be finally used =)
Today I told Maik: "So my phone will be called Serendipity. And when it does not work, it will be just Pity"
Athletics in Osaka
Going home soon =)
I already have full programme:
1. playing with my new...a a a I can´t reveal what is it yet =)
2. modifiying pictures with the help of a book about Photoshop CS3 (i got from Maik)
3. meet friends and a baby of a friend (I hope it´s born untill then)
4. gendeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
5. parents
6. chill out =)
Swedish railways
When we came back to the station at 20.50, we got to know that the train goes 21.15. After some time the numbers changed to 21.20, then to 21.30 and then to 21.40. That was kind of top of everything when we decided to call the reailways (SJ) and ask whether the train comes at all and whether it is worth to wait there. We reached someone working on the telephone line but she could not help us since thet train was operated by another company. We got number to the company at least. was just pity that the company closes their telephone lines at 16.00. So back to SJ since we bought the ticket from them. I just heard Astrid telling:
"Aha..but I bought the tickets from you, so you should be able to help"
"But don´t you think it is easier to find out from the office and than from a train station where there is none to ask?"
"Nähä..and you do not have any computer with internet connection to find out?"
and after some time: "Aaah..thank you that sounds promissing"
It´s funny that after Astrid´s instructions we got to know that the train just left the closest station and would arrive in some minutes. It also came in the end =)
Try to guess
It´s black, it has 80 GB memory, it´s small, it has beautiful beautiful design, it plays music, films and shows pics. What is it?
And yes..I also have to find a name for that one, so your suggestions are welcome (except of Walter and Horst)
Hard life of my mobile phone
Perfect holiday
The best about those days were people who took part of course: Andreas, Maik, Maja, Tiina.
Dante was not missing of course. He had some problems with getting used to the car but he calmed down after 2/3 of the trip and since then he was just OK and very curious.
I also got to know that Dante LOVES swimming. His first way after 12 hours trip was to the near lake. And the next day he jumped there at least 3 times and spent round 20 minutes each time just swimming.
I am very thankful for those 3 days. Small summer house, lake, sauna, no internet and mobile phone connection.
Just nature and calmness. My mind was very fresh after we came back.
I wanna more of such =)
But now..home, parents and my slovak friends. I believe I will recharge in Slovakia as well.
My reflection
Some days ago I accidently and then voluntarily took part in a demonstration against Nazis. nazis. I was just walking through Örebro when I saw group of people standing with black umbrellas pointing against another group of people holding flags, newsletters and megaphones. The group unannounced, claiming that they were just spreading newspaper, was actively promoting Nazism and had a small demonstration. The police was standing around but did not ask them to leave eventhough they did not have permission for such an event. If an NGO wants to organize smth we always have to ask for permission describing what we are going to do, how big space we are going to use etc.
In this case..they just let them act unless something bad happens. Interesting.
Young social democrats just finished their congress the day before and were still in the town so they managed to organize themselves rather fast and to "counter"act. They bought black umbrellas and were just standing around the group of Nazis..oh..sorry..I wanted to write nazis, kind of blocking them.
They also started conversation. Asking what is "swedish" according to them. What the swedish identity involves. Of course no reasonable asnwer came. The guy was refering to the history - almost to monkeys and just made fool of himself. I got really upset when he offered a banana to a girl of dark skin who tried to have an inteligent conversation with him.
It made me think a lot about national identity again. I consider it a very abused concept to manipulate people. It is very nice to care about the country or people of the same nationality, but why should a country or same origin be the reason? Why should I like someone more just because it is a person coming from the same country as I do? Why should I take care more about Slovakia than I do about Sweden or Hungary? Why should I feel more special or worse that I am Slovak and not a Swede? Why should I be proud that I am a Slovak and the world champion in 100 m butterly (swimming) from 2004 is Slovak. She did not win it because she is from Slovakia and I haven´t contributed in any way to her victory. Of course the sport example could be replaced by politics or art to make it more serious. But still. And why should I suffer and feel guilty because of some slovaks responsible for cruelty under 2nd world war? Hmm..I dont feel responsible for past and I do not take any benefit of someone´s else success just because we were born in the same country or we have the same skin colour. All I can do to feel good about and proud of myself is to work on my own development and contribute to make the world nicer by all means I can think of. I do not want to hide behind any other identity.
Handball handball
I just came home and found a missed call on my mobile. And then a voice message. I could not believe what I heard. A manager from a club in Örebro where I played two years ago (and then left because of lots of things to do and lack of time to train to lower division) called me asking whether I wanted to come back.
I want. I will =)
Handball handball here I come =)
PS. Now a university could call me to ask whether I want to join some of their courses ;-)
Weather witch
As soon as sun came out from behind clouds, I left either to Faroe Islands or to Iceland.
When I finally thought i could enjoy summer in southern part of Europe I manage to spent 3 hours outside, playing volleyball and just enjoying the sun rays. The rest of the time I was in a building taking part in some workshops.
When i finally got to go out on the excursion day, rain came. Lots of water. I even regreted I did not have my rain jacket I bought for Faroe Islands.
After we came back from excursion the sun appeared again but I was inside. I did not mind it at all cause I counted on Macedonia where there did not fall a drop of rain for 2 months. Yeah..untill I entered the country. The first very welcome light rain came as we left the bus...The light rain followed by storm which lasted almost without breaks both 2 days we were in Macedonia. The temperature was not more than 17. The day afer we left - it was sunny and warm.
So we entered Bulgaria again since the flight home was from there and...It was raining there. Nevermind told I to myself - there is wonderful sunny summer in Sweden. And it really was =) I left the plane and rays tickled my face. I traveled home by train and watched the wonderfully beautiful country bathing in sun shine.
The next day was warm and sunny too - untill I decided to leave the house and go out with Dante. Water was just falling and falling. Now it is better. It is cloudy but not raining. Very nice =) I just do not dare to go out.
Btw. Ruza came to Sweden and she told me that she is exactly oposite followed by sunny weather and heat. So we will see now which one of us has stronger personality =)
Macedonia in 2 days
The first thing that really touched me was borders. Two controls at each side, luggage checking and questions. I haven´t experienced such since I was six years old. I think I needed this experience to remind me that it is not very easy to travel in all the countries and that I am very lucky person that I can forget my passport for most of my travels and just go with ID without explaining reasons of my visit and proving that I´ll come back.
When we wanted to go to Ohrid (3 hours from Skopje) and found out that the bus was full, we were thinking to take a taxi (very usual mean of transport in macedonia) It would cost us less than double of the bus ticket price. We found another two girls who wanted to go to the same town so they just joined us in negotiating the price with taxi drivers. We made it from 700 to 500 dinars (the bus is 430). In the end we found a guy (a family friend) who would drive us there and back. The problem is that those two girls would not fit into the car since we were 7 and the car was for 7. One of the girls not belonging to our group came and started negotiating with us to move a bit and make space for them etc. I considered it very funny since I compered it to a situtation when she would come to a private car and ask a family to squeeze a bit so they (total strangers) can travel with them. We said no and she left without bad feelings. She tried at least.
Another strong moment was the whole last hour before our departure. We had very little time to pack, buy some things, eat etc. Maja´s friends wanted to meet her and say bye to her (and some of them to us as well). All of a sudden 15 people were in a small apartment. Since we did not have much time to prepare food, everybody was running around, cooking for us, preparing sandwiches while we were packing. Incredible. Just huge "virvar". Then the whole group as royal convoy followed to the bus station and waved good bye. Crazy. Perfect movie situation.
The food was very good. The people were many and all of them incredibly friendly. I really liked the culture of social life which is very very different from swedish or slovak one. People talk to each other constantly, they have very huge social network and they help to each other. If you need a help, a friend of a friends cousin´s friend will help you.
I decided to visit Balkans every summer. I think I need to experience that warmth to balance swedish calmness (which I really love as well).
10 minutes to go..
I would write about perfect beach volleyball match between Maja, Andreas, Maik and me.
I would write about basket I played before
I would write about my new running shoes which make me enjoy running incredibly much
I would write about thoughts I had about honesty. And about some dispointments connected to that.
I would write about a great evening at Anna´s
I would write about ACTIVE´s new flag
I would write about Örebro full of drunken youth
I would write about my thoughts about politics and direct actions instead of hidden games
I would write about great afternoon with Lisa, Gunnar and Elias (I can publish at least a picture of those three).
Right now there are like 10 minutes to left befote I go to the Active camp in Bulgaria. Then also to Macedonia for 2 days. They say it is warm down there. We will see =)
Everything packed, Dante at Annas, this blog written..
See you in 12 days..
Light blue song
we'd gather around all in a room
fasten our belts engage in dialogue
we'd all slow down rest without guilt
not lie without fear disagree sans judgement
we would stay and respond and expand and include
and allow and forgive and enjoy and evolve
and discern and inquire and accept and admit
and divulge and open and reach out and speak up
This is utopia this is my utopia
This is my ideal my end in sight
Utopia this is my utopia
This is my nirvana
My ultimate
we'd open our arms
we'd all jump in
we'd all coast down into safety nets
we would share and listen and support and welcome
be propelled by passion not invest in outcomes
we would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference
be gentle and make room for every emotion
we'd provide forums
we'd all speak out
we'd all be heard
we'd all feel seen
we'd rise post-obstacle more defined more grateful
we would heal be humbled and be unstoppable
we'd hold close and let go and know when to do which
we'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe
this is utopia this is my utopia
this is my ideal my end in sight
utopia this is my utopia
this is my nirvana
my ultimate
(Alanis Morissette/Under rug swept)
It´s all about losing and gaining
Standing in a queue in a supermarket, looking to the left, seeing magazines = seeing headlines bringing information about how many kilograms which star gained and lost. Moving in the queue closer to accounter, looking to the right, seeing newspapers = reading about another popstar and her body change.
I was happy I finally reached the accounter, paid my ice cream, left this "world" of "great" sensations and entered the normal life where hopefully people have a higher moral than the magazines and newspapers they read contain.
Once I read a book about a planet, where there was no age limit for voting but those people who passed a moral and responsibility test could vote. I think the same should go for journalists and other media people.
Yesterday´s numbers..
The blog I wanted to write yesterday but I did not manage on time was very simple:
Wasn´t a great date? So so nice. I consider it nicer than 07.07.07
About honesty..
Another question is..why do people say that someone is the best if they do not mean it?
Sometimes I have a feeling that meanings of the words have changed while I was sleeping..
My todays resolution: I will not give false hopes and I will not say phrases just to make people happy
Full day already
I woke up at 2.30 am and from 3.00 am I was on the way. My parents went home from Skavsta and since their flight was at 7.00 and they were supposed to be there latest at 6.00 we had to go from Örebro between 3.00 and 4.00 am to be there on time. We left the town at 3.30 and arrived 5.12. My boyfriend calls me Schumi =) Hehe..It was so nice. Empty roads, beautiful Sweden, great music - MIka, Allanis Morrisette and Oh Laura! The country here is wonderful. Green and calm and clean. I did not mind the early hour and just enjoyed.
Was not easy to say bye to my parents but I hope I´ll see them soon again. Every moment spent with them filled me with joy. They are funny, they are understanding, they are realistic, they are helpful, they give me space.
When I came back to my appartement I was missing them a lot. But yeah..that´s life. Important is that they had nice time here. Now I can start looking forward to Bulgaria and Macedonia and to all the coming events and moments. For example lunch in few minutes as well. Aaah how hungry I am.
I seriuosly think that I could at least once a month start a day as early as today and do a lot before I go to work. Who said that the day should start with work?
My parents are here =)
After the things were done I went to pick up the car for the next days trip to Skavsta (and Nyköping of course) cause my fathers luggage arrived two days later and Ryanair deos not have "home delivery" service. we arranged a nice trip the next day. After the trip we picked up Maik and all together visited Anna (who used to be my coach and now is "just" a friend). We stayed till late in the night discussing everything - from the political situation to the weather. I was translating from swedish to slovak and back and I really enjoyed it. After some time I realized that I was able to listen to two people talking at the same time and translate.
The next day we booked for Örebro - the town park and basketball later. Me, Maik, my father and Anna played, my mum and Dante were watching (Dante was also barking a lot). As soon as we left the house to go to play, it started raining a bit. As soon as we started playing, it started raining A LOT. Since we were wet already we decided to play. The fallin rain would not have been a problem, but the ball somehow did not bounce that good in the water ;-) so after 45 minutes we went home. On the other hand it was 20.00 already and the warm appartment was just calling us home. After nice pasta and great desert we just chilled out and discussed evolution theory (I somehow see gaps in it) with Maik. I went to bed at 2.00 knowing the next day was free day as well. After so much traveling and working the previous days, already two days off feel like long holiday. I feel I have rest enough and I could work today but I will not. It´s sunday, most of the things are fixed and my parents are here =)
First astronomic summer day
Faroe Islands - 48 000 inhabitants and 70 000 sheep