My parents are here =)

My parents are here in Sweden visiting me for a week. So far we have had great days and I am appreciating every minute. I picked them in Stockholm when they came, we spent some hours in that wonderful city and then we came home. The next day I went to work cause there was a lot to fix with the G festival at Faroe Islands where NORDGU is sending 5 people (4 from UNF and 1 from Juvente Norway) to promote sobriety and recruit members. I had to fix a lot but it felt really great to do it cause at the same time I had Andreas and Jimmie (two guys from the team going there) on msn discussing and reporting what they have planned. Great to work with people who can come with their own ideas! I like it =)
After the things were done I went to pick up the car for the next days trip to Skavsta (and Nyköping of course) cause my fathers luggage arrived two days later and Ryanair deos not have "home delivery" service. we arranged a nice trip the next day. After the trip we picked up Maik and all together visited Anna (who used to be my coach and now is "just" a friend). We stayed till late in the night discussing everything - from the political situation to the weather. I was translating from swedish to slovak and back and I really enjoyed it. After some time I realized that I was able to listen to two people talking at the same time and translate.
The next day we booked for Örebro - the town park and basketball later. Me, Maik, my father and Anna played, my mum and Dante were watching (Dante was also barking a lot). As soon as we left the house to go to play, it started raining a bit. As soon as we started playing, it started raining A LOT. Since we were wet already we decided to play. The fallin rain would not have been a problem, but the ball somehow did not bounce that good in the water ;-) so after 45 minutes we went home. On the other hand it was 20.00 already and the warm appartment was just calling us home. After nice pasta and great desert we just chilled out  and discussed evolution theory (I somehow see gaps in it) with Maik. I went to bed at 2.00 knowing the next day was free day as well. After so much traveling and working the previous days, already two days off feel like long holiday. I feel I have rest enough and I could work today but I will not. It´s sunday, most of the things are fixed and my parents are here =)

Postat av: Boutmedium

Nice site, Keep it up

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