Happy New Year wishes
Happy New Year =) =) =)
Heading to Slovakia
Happy New Year celebrations and see you in 2008 =)
Medialized =)
Once I will be famous =)
I am in Örebo´s local weekly newspaper (asnwering question what will I eat for Xmas)
I am on the picture in MOTDRAG (UNF´s magazine)
I wrote an article for IOGT International´s Newsletter
There is an interview with me in the latest Transit
Nice nice!
My most favourite one was the Transit interview. I got great questions that made me think a bit, look into future and reflect my past (suitable for this time of year) Of course the answers are cut but those who ask me nice can get the full version ;-)
Because of alcohol Part II
Alcohol has a great importance in spreading of HIV and other sexual diseases. Alcohol makes people more inclined to take risks, alcohol contributes to rape and fysiologicaly influences spreading of the disease - immunity system is weaken when one drinks alcohol (T cells important for the imunity system are destroyed by alcohol). The cells influenced by alcohol are 3 times more apt to be infected by HIV virus.
The virus at thosealready infected by it is spreading faster (3 beers in two days - spreading of the virus in the body was 3 times faster)
Give yourself a present. Stay sober =)
Xmas feeling
Cosy and nice =)
Slovakia - THE country for NGOs
- from the time the law will be valid all the NGOs will have three months to re-register ( to find out which of the registered ones are still existing) - that means lots of papers to fill in but OK I see the logic
- NGOs can help ONLY their members (meaning: for example changing injection needles - street work is not allowed. Not talking about environmental activities - since the trees are not members of an organisation)
- whatever change in the constitution of an organisation will cost money (small orgs have not this money)
- all the NGOs have to write annual reports (OK) and have to have professional audit that costs round 600 - 1000 Euro (some orgs do not have that much money only for audit )
So that´s it. It somehow resembles the "strategy" of our eastern neighbours.. It is a bit scary.
The last one was the first one..
The last handball match of year 2007 was my first and last match of 2007. I already thought that the year 2007 would be without any handball match but then in the last minute I decided to go and play.
The previous match I played was on 23rd of November 2006. One week before I went home to Slovakia and studies for the final exams. When I came back to Sweden in februari and tried to start training I had real pain in my arm. It turned out to be long term pain. Luckily nothing wrong with my joint or muscle. It was just some inflamation that takes really long time to heal. So the spring season meant no handball for me. When i got fed up with the pain (and checked with a doctor that the arm is otherwise very OK), I decided to start strenghten it - throwing heavy ball, push ups, swimming etc. The arm got better and I decided to start with handball again after the summer holiday. I joined a club BUT then I started traveling from meeting to meeting during weekends which meant no matches. When I finally was at home and could play I got sick that hindered me even from going to trainings. Yesterday was the last match of the season. I was asked to play. First I did not want. After no matches for more than one year and no training for 2 months I was not sure. In the end I said I could jump in if needed for 5 minutes or so and went to the match.
We played against my previuos club which was very nice. Moreover the referee was a friend who is like family to me. What more I could wish for better comeback? I played all in all 20 minutes and scored 4 times =) That was nice =) First I had to find out that the ball is round but after I realized it it went really good for me =) So yes..I am back =)
There are many things to fix so the New Year starts with everything well done or well prepared. I think the Active office is on the good way =)
Feels good!
After Slovakia blog
Long time again...
When being in Slovakia I had very often a need to write here something but the internet connection was not that good and I was also happy not to see computer and rest a bit from it.
We had 12 lectures in 4 days and saturday - 8 hours planning with a short short break for food. No time for writing blog really. Now I am back, internet accesable almost 24/7 - good for going through all the emails I did not open/answer those 10 days away and step by step I am getting into the blog world again too.
I had an idea to publish one fact about alcohol every day. The idea comes from the activity we held at the schools. I prepared a quiz - few slides with facts and people had to guess what were the facts about.
Just an example:
115 000 dead a year in EU
125 000 000 000 Euro a year in EU
9 000 000 000 children suffer
The usual answer on this was: "war" This answer made me actually happy. People perceive war as something negative. But alcohol as something that belongs to celebrations. When I told that all those things are about alcohol and explained them deeper, the alcohol was not that obvious part of fun and celebrations anymore.
Felt good to provide information people do not get to read/hear everyday =)
So we will (hopefully) start here tomorrow.
Before Slovakia
Listening to radio, emptying my fridge before going for a longer time (I do not want the things getting moving from the fridge on their own).
All presents packed - three of them self made. I found myself in painting in these days =)
The funny thing is that right after I arrive to Bratislava, me and my parents go to IKEA. I´ve been there pretty often recently. So often that I forbid myself to buy anything for apartment for some time. But going with my parents is allowed =) and I like having Sweden "around me" =)
See you later =)
Today is a new day
Today is a new day and so far very nice! After work I need to run to town to buy some presents and then to two meetings wtth friends. And then I will just pack, paint a bit more and tomorrow off I go! Or..not really off. Just to Slovakia to talk a bit about alcohol with students and meet NOM.
New picture of myself
I remember that at that moment I felt very misunderstood but gosh "aggressive"? That makes me think a lot. About myself. How do people see me and intrepret my behaviour. And how do I really behave?
Ah...no not really happy right now.
Birthday party and Willhelm Tell as a special guest
Theory that might not be valid anymore
The article is on the last page of the Newspaper and I do not know how much truth is in it, how many proofs they have etc. but just imagination that the things are totally different from what I was tought (together with millions of other people) is a bit exciting. All the theories about people climbing down from the trees, picking berries, who then were forced to change the way they held their body and started hunting etc can be total nonsense.
I like that someone questions the most "natural" things. I like the thought that most of our lifes is just our construction, cause that means that we can reconstruct as well =)
Song with a content
(Mattafix, 2007)
See the nation through the people's eyes,
See tears that flow like rivers from the skies.
Where it seems there are only borderlines
Where others turn and sigh,
You shall rise (x2)
There's disaster in your past
Boundaries in your path
What do you desire when lift you higher?
You don't have to be extraordinary, just forgiving
Those who never heard your cries,
You shall rise (x2)
And look toward the skies.
Where others fail, you prevail in time.
You shall rise.
(You may never know,
If you lay low, lay low) (x4)
You shall rise (x3)
Sooner or later we must try... Living
(You may never know,
If you lay low, lay low) (x4)
Sooner or later we must try... Living
Story in pictures
Once upon a time, in a country where wishes come true, princess Stina wished to have a new hair cut... As fairy Kristina was on her duty that day to fulfil peoples´wishes, she happilly said: "I can do that if you want" (read: If you dare). Princess Stina as open minded as she was, did not hesitate to say "Yes, why not"
Princess did not know what haircut she would like to have, Kristina did not know what cut she would like to make..so Stina was a bit sceptical but did not change her decision..

...Kristina just started somehow then..

...cut the fringe.. (and also wanted to finish at that point, but Stina did not see - literally - what was the point with such an invisible - she perceived it so - change and wanted her wish to be used 100%)

...so by some moves of a magic wand

...Stina got a very fashionable (sometimes a bit confusing) haircut that suits her very much...

And the bell rang right after Kristina improved the uneven details and the story happy - ended =)
So now I can´t wait till the administrative grant is written (only few things left to add) and then ooooooff I go from my working life. So thursday and friday - no internet and no mobile phone. Just me with myself and Dante.
Yes yes =)
Two projects approved today!
One EVS and one New Year´s Seminar - so slovak, estonian, latvian and swedish youth can spent New Years Eve (and some days before and after) in alcohol -free, safe and fun environment! Great great great!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
I am very happy =)
Facebook - no ode to Facebook
I do not fancy Facebook at all. I somehow consider it a very useless thing with even more useless applications. I have a profile there but I do not see a meaning in having it. So I think I am going to take my profile away from there.
Fake identity and fake solution for our social needs..that´s what I see there mostly
Blog action day - environment
Our home is not just the house we live in or the town where our house is built. Earth is our home. And we as individuals have a huge impact on the whole planet.
That´s why I:
- separate trash (paper, plast, glass, natural product)
- am vegetarian
- do not leave electronic devices on stand - by mode
- ecological products (eventhough they are more expensive) - while I this money so I invest them into my home
- I do not smoke
- I try to travel as environmental as possible (I prefer a bus before a car and prefer a train before a bus)
I guess I did not mention everything and U can give me some more hints how to contribute to an environmental life style. Thank u in advance!