Too late in the night..but fun!
Writing thesis late in the night causes some strange ideas from time to time. I decided to give a price to sender of the hundreth comment in my blog =)
Aim or process?
Right now I am chattin with a friend while writing my thesis. The topic of our dialogue is whether a process or a result is more important in peoples life.
I claim that if we were focused only on results we wouldn´t have very much fun in the life. The rest of what we do would be just duties duties duties. Moreover the results are not always as we imagined them.
I think that if the process brings happiness into our lives then there is a higher probability that the result will be also good and enriched by all the things we have experienced on the way to the aim...
My friend suggest the oposite. The result is the most important and process is just the neccessary evil. If it would be possible he would skip the process.But I´m asking..where would be the point then? Where is the sense? Does it really bring happiness withou any effort? For how long?
Beverly Sills said: "There are no shortcuts to the places where it is worth to go to"
And I add my experienced I have observed: People who enjoy what they do and those who do things with their heart usually reach better results and are satisfied in their lives.
I claim that if we were focused only on results we wouldn´t have very much fun in the life. The rest of what we do would be just duties duties duties. Moreover the results are not always as we imagined them.
I think that if the process brings happiness into our lives then there is a higher probability that the result will be also good and enriched by all the things we have experienced on the way to the aim...
My friend suggest the oposite. The result is the most important and process is just the neccessary evil. If it would be possible he would skip the process.But I´m asking..where would be the point then? Where is the sense? Does it really bring happiness withou any effort? For how long?
Beverly Sills said: "There are no shortcuts to the places where it is worth to go to"
And I add my experienced I have observed: People who enjoy what they do and those who do things with their heart usually reach better results and are satisfied in their lives.
Katie Melua

I have heard Katie Melua for the first time and I liked her concert a lot. Here is a part of lyrics from a song called Spider´s web. It is a song about racism..and it has really impressed me:
...Because the line between wrong and right,
Is the width of a thread from a spider's web,
The piano keys are black and white,
But they sound like a million colours in your mind...
(listen to the sample of Spider´s web here:
We people are very rich together and we have so much to learn from each other. It is just be open-minded, sometimes to stop and listen or search for explanation..We do not need to be afraid of diversity. Diversity is not a hinder. Diversity is our advantage so we can develope. It is just to be patient sometimes. And willing to accept. Because together we are a wonderful song!!!
My friends give me wings...
I have writen several times that I was very happy without any special reason. And yes sometimes it happens that I am sad without any special reason too. As today. Gosh I really have no clue what happened in my head but I somehow realized that I did not have any dreams. And in my case it is usually dreams what pushes me forward. Such emotional state, being-without-dreams, is really tough for me cause I can´t force myself to dream and be happy just like that out of nothing. Rationally I knew that I had a lot to be happy about. But emotionally I was very hollow. And then..some of my friends appeared online. Everything has changed. My friends give me wings..Thank you for that..=) I really appreciate that you are!!!!! I hope you know it!
Melodifestivalen blog
Nu sitter jag, skriver min uppsats och lyssnar på ursäkta..vad är det här? Man kan aldrig vinna Eurovision med såna låtar..ganska tråkiga låtar. Det är kanske bra för att jämfört med de är min uppsats hundra gånger mer intressant.
Jag är verkligen nyfiken vad Liza kommer att skriva om det..
Just nu sjunger nån som liknar Robert Redford.
Nu är det Velvet - nåt slags Ruslana stil (som många som var med i Eurovision 2005)
Nej..ingenting för mig den här Melodifestivalen.
Jag är verkligen nyfiken vad Liza kommer att skriva om det..
Just nu sjunger nån som liknar Robert Redford.
Nu är det Velvet - nåt slags Ruslana stil (som många som var med i Eurovision 2005)
Nej..ingenting för mig den här Melodifestivalen.
New design
I am member of NOM - slovak temperance organisation. We are chaniging design of our web and I hope that also some changes in organisation will appear..postive changes I mean. Such as more new members, more active people, attractive activities and some results of our work. That would be enough for the beginning...

I think I will take away those figures from the picture..

I think I will take away those figures from the picture..
Lite mer om förebilder och alkohol
Åsa H. för ett par dagar sen skrev en blog om förebilder. Då diskuterades mer de som är aktiva i politik och är verkligen "public property". Igår fick jag ett mail från min handbollkompis. Mailet var till hela laget för att ett fest (arrangerat för att förbättra relationer mellan damlag och herrlag och att ha det roligt..hmmm) närmar sig och det behövs att fixa lite saker. En del av mailet gjorde mig verkligen ledsen. Det stod där att herrarna kommer redan till festen lite runda i fötterna och att vi (tjejer) borde också komma lite avslapnade. Det stod ingenting om alkohol i mailet men visst var det klart utan tvekar.
Det är bra att slapna av men varför med hjälp av alkohol..? Fy f.. det finns så många andra olika sätt att slapna av. Jag blev verkligen ledsen för att de där tjejerna spelar jag med och jag kan säga att de kan visa glädje och ha det roligt på träningar och är duktiga handbollspelare utan alkohol!!!! De har inga problem att prata med varandra och vara sociala. Alkohol är verkligen onödigt i det här laget. Aha men tillbaka till förebilder. Tjejen som skrev mailet är lärare. Jag är säkert att hon är akcepterad av studenter och hennes asikter "väger mycket". Att alkohol är än vanligt vara i hennes liv och hon pratar öppet om det i koppling med social liv och fun är ett klart budskap att det är bara bra så. Då kännde jag mig lite hjälplös men å andra sida, det är jag inte. Jag kan göra samma sak som hon. Visa att det är helt normalt att ha det roligt utan alkohol och droger. Man kan slapna av, man kan skratta ihjäl sig, man kan prata med människor utan att vara berusad. kan köra bil hem från festen, man kan spela handboll dagen efter utan att ha huvudverk eller känna sig snurrigt, man kan spela säkert och det viktigaste - man kan vara säkert att alla upplevelser är på riktigt!
Det är bra att slapna av men varför med hjälp av alkohol..? Fy f.. det finns så många andra olika sätt att slapna av. Jag blev verkligen ledsen för att de där tjejerna spelar jag med och jag kan säga att de kan visa glädje och ha det roligt på träningar och är duktiga handbollspelare utan alkohol!!!! De har inga problem att prata med varandra och vara sociala. Alkohol är verkligen onödigt i det här laget. Aha men tillbaka till förebilder. Tjejen som skrev mailet är lärare. Jag är säkert att hon är akcepterad av studenter och hennes asikter "väger mycket". Att alkohol är än vanligt vara i hennes liv och hon pratar öppet om det i koppling med social liv och fun är ett klart budskap att det är bara bra så. Då kännde jag mig lite hjälplös men å andra sida, det är jag inte. Jag kan göra samma sak som hon. Visa att det är helt normalt att ha det roligt utan alkohol och droger. Man kan slapna av, man kan skratta ihjäl sig, man kan prata med människor utan att vara berusad. kan köra bil hem från festen, man kan spela handboll dagen efter utan att ha huvudverk eller känna sig snurrigt, man kan spela säkert och det viktigaste - man kan vara säkert att alla upplevelser är på riktigt!
Lite roligt..internets framtiden =)

Vad gör alla bloggare?
Det är många som har inte bloggat på länge. Är det pga OS? Sitter alla framför TV? Eller är det sportlov? Hmmm...I alla fall är det kanske bra för att jag borde plugga och inte läsa bloggar. Min nästa uppsats ska vara blog analys =)
Vad kan man göra med det?
Jag fattar inte en sak. Hur kan männikor hata nån de inte känner. Hur kan de slå nån som de aldrig har träffat bara för att de har fördomar. Hur kan de tror på nåt de aldrig har upplevt.
Att vara med i en grupp betyder att ha en identitet som gör att en människa är annorlunda från alla som inte är med i gruppen och samtidigt har man nåt gemensamt med de som finns i gruppen. Båda kännslor är viktiga. To belong and to be unique. "Oss" och "de" kämpar mot varandra. Inte i alla fall vliket är bevis att man behöver inte förnedra nån bara för att skapa sin stark identität. Sånt argument funkar inte för mig. Om man känner sig uppskattad och viktig på nåt sätt, behöver man inte göra illa de andra. Så enkelt är det.
Att vara med i en grupp betyder att ha en identitet som gör att en människa är annorlunda från alla som inte är med i gruppen och samtidigt har man nåt gemensamt med de som finns i gruppen. Båda kännslor är viktiga. To belong and to be unique. "Oss" och "de" kämpar mot varandra. Inte i alla fall vliket är bevis att man behöver inte förnedra nån bara för att skapa sin stark identität. Sånt argument funkar inte för mig. Om man känner sig uppskattad och viktig på nåt sätt, behöver man inte göra illa de andra. Så enkelt är det.
UNF som en låt
Idag ville jag öppna och windows media player öppnades...Hmm..kanske Marcus har skrivit en ny låt som ska spelas istället =)
Ah! Nu funker det igen. Ingen låt då. Tyvärr!
Ah! Nu funker det igen. Ingen låt då. Tyvärr!
Jag håller med
Jag håller med Åsa Hagelstedt för 100 % när det gäller förebilder
Liza visar magi
Nu springer Liza här omkring och visar trolleri med vatten till alla medan vissa människor tittar på OS och vissa (ehm..jag) arbetar. Hmm..hon har två muggar kan jag avslöja =) Jag hoppas att Junis barnen som ska till sportlovsläger läser inte min blog...
If I were six again...
I want to be six again. And start a primary school from very beginning. I even know which primary school I want to go to. It is Skogtorpskola in Kumla. I have been there today and I still have no words. The atmosphere is friendly and free. Students have hundreds of possibilities to develop their skills, the environment enables to choose the best way of studying for an individual. One classroom is divided into one main area and then four or five other small rooms where students can go and study without disturbing the others. There are sofas and pillows on the floor, not just the typical school tables. Teachers have glass walls on their rooms so everyone can see what is happening there inside and the distance teacher - student is disappearing.
In the free time students can play pool, table tennis, watch TV, play a musical instrument..the school belongs to them and is there for them..
Right today there was a bunch of students baking more than 300 cakes for all the others for st.valentine´s day. All of the students (regardless gender!!!!!) have classes of handycraft, sewing, household works etc. I want alsoooooooooo!!!
All together from 12 month to 16 years old - sharing the same place - this is a wonderful way how to find the way to each other. Yes it definitely works. I felt acceptance. I felt understanding. I felt comfort. I felt friendship! I felt that they are learning something new every single minute. Aaaaaa...I wish such perfect school to all children in the world.
In the free time students can play pool, table tennis, watch TV, play a musical instrument..the school belongs to them and is there for them..
Right today there was a bunch of students baking more than 300 cakes for all the others for st.valentine´s day. All of the students (regardless gender!!!!!) have classes of handycraft, sewing, household works etc. I want alsoooooooooo!!!
All together from 12 month to 16 years old - sharing the same place - this is a wonderful way how to find the way to each other. Yes it definitely works. I felt acceptance. I felt understanding. I felt comfort. I felt friendship! I felt that they are learning something new every single minute. Aaaaaa...I wish such perfect school to all children in the world.
You are creep...
You are creep...and I wish I never met you....
No these are not my words, but my mind unfortunately can´t get rid of them. It is part of lyrics of one song. The melody is perfect. And that is the main problem. The melody is so nice that I keep on singing it at least for myslef though I do not like the words. I really do not regret meeting any of the people I have met in my life. Either friends or friends who are not my friends anymore or people who I really did not match with..I think that every single person I spent some time with has influenced my thoughts and has given me some experience. And it happened to me several times that even bad experience (from my point of view) which made me ask - "why me" has later helped me to understand other peoples problems or life situations and to be here for I really do not mean it when I sing: "I wish I never met you"
But the melody is really nice!!!
No these are not my words, but my mind unfortunately can´t get rid of them. It is part of lyrics of one song. The melody is perfect. And that is the main problem. The melody is so nice that I keep on singing it at least for myslef though I do not like the words. I really do not regret meeting any of the people I have met in my life. Either friends or friends who are not my friends anymore or people who I really did not match with..I think that every single person I spent some time with has influenced my thoughts and has given me some experience. And it happened to me several times that even bad experience (from my point of view) which made me ask - "why me" has later helped me to understand other peoples problems or life situations and to be here for I really do not mean it when I sing: "I wish I never met you"
But the melody is really nice!!!
Creative mood
Today..little bit based on my strange dream I was in the creative mood and decided to make some decoration for my apartement.
Very strange things I did..kind of childish but my grey walls in kitchen really need something here it comes:

My printer took these pictures into its own responsibilty, changed some colours and added some stripes, so it looks different..but better than orginals.
So let´s hope I will spend more time in the kitchen from now on. There will maybe come more varied food as well =)
Very strange things I did..kind of childish but my grey walls in kitchen really need something here it comes:

My printer took these pictures into its own responsibilty, changed some colours and added some stripes, so it looks different..but better than orginals.
So let´s hope I will spend more time in the kitchen from now on. There will maybe come more varied food as well =)
I Göteborg händer det saker
Igår var jag i Götebrog och träffade Hanna och Linnéa för att planera UNF Europa turné. Det är mycket att göra och förberedda men en sak vet jag redan nu. Det kommer att vara GRYMT!!!!
Man kommer att lära sig mycket, man kommer att göra praktiska saker relaterade till alkohol förebyggande arbete, man kommer att ha det verkligen roligt. Mer ska jag inte avslöja nu, men det kommer ...det kommer snart =)
En sak till ville jag säga. Wow! Det känns att i Göteborg händer de saker. Många aktiva, kreativa UNFare. Först tänkte jag..hmm..jag vill flytta till Göteborg =) men sen tänkte jag så här..det är kanske bättre om man borjade göra nåt här i Örebro. Och jag har lite idér redan..så..årsmö mig årsmöte =)
Man kommer att lära sig mycket, man kommer att göra praktiska saker relaterade till alkohol förebyggande arbete, man kommer att ha det verkligen roligt. Mer ska jag inte avslöja nu, men det kommer ...det kommer snart =)
En sak till ville jag säga. Wow! Det känns att i Göteborg händer de saker. Många aktiva, kreativa UNFare. Först tänkte jag..hmm..jag vill flytta till Göteborg =) men sen tänkte jag så här..det är kanske bättre om man borjade göra nåt här i Örebro. Och jag har lite idér redan..så..årsmö mig årsmöte =)
Sweden like a dream
It has been so cold today that I was forced to make a final decision and buy me real winter shoes. Have I told u that I finally found roundy ones? Yes I did and I bought them but it is not the most important thing.
The most important is that I went out in the evening to try them. Paper says: water proof and till - 40. So I went in (!) the snow and they are very good and warm. But that´s also not the most important thing.
The really most important is that Sweden looks right now like cut out from a book. White country with little lights shining from windows, silence, snow slowly falling and swinging down to the white soft ground which makes the reflection of street lamps being pink on the sky..and the snow is falling and falling..
The most important is that I went out in the evening to try them. Paper says: water proof and till - 40. So I went in (!) the snow and they are very good and warm. But that´s also not the most important thing.
The really most important is that Sweden looks right now like cut out from a book. White country with little lights shining from windows, silence, snow slowly falling and swinging down to the white soft ground which makes the reflection of street lamps being pink on the sky..and the snow is falling and falling..
Olny srmat poelpe can.
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan
mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt!
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan
mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt!
Let´s party
Three parties during two days. As the year 2005 was a year of decisions, it seems that year 2006 is a year of parties so far.
First I planned to have a free weekend finally to be able to study and rest from travelling, from alarm clocks - yes..mostly from being on time and be under the time pressure. BUT then the invitation from Lisa came. Hmmm..I was thinking...I like Lisa very much..hmmm..I see her very is not her birthday every day...semler (swedish kind of cakes or rolls with cream, almond mass and sugar) I love...I havent see the new apartement..and yes..I wanna wish her happy birthday in person so the answer YES was blinking in my head and the programme for saturday was fixed.
Hah..I thought that was it. BUT very spontaneous idea from Liza came up when we had lunch together with the other from the EGTYF office: "Inese..we havent seen your apartement yet. When can we come? Aha..tomorrow would be a nice day for a small visit." And yes the other party was fixed. Wheee!
The third party was because of Andreas and his birhday and this was on sunday. Btw..if u do not know what to give as a present to person who does not own a blog, then a blog is a very good and original idea =) Yes - here I am trying to say that Andreas is a new member of the blog world and he started really good with some confessions. But please do not believe everything he writes.
To sum up the parties:
Way to and from Lisas party was mainly talking about differences between Swedes and Slovaks and the way they express emotions and the topics they discuss. Malin who I was talking to seemed to be really interested into these intercultural differences and she agrees with me that Swedes (at least those I know) deliver mostly facts - Ito broaden general knowledge and one gets to learn something new all the time. Slovaks talk more on the level of impressions, feelings, mostly about past (near or far, personal or general).
Lisas party: Apartement is really really nice full of small interesting and original details. Looot of people of different ages. Several babies, children and adults. I sometimes even noticed Lisa! (running around among all those people) Some of the people I know from their blogs but they do not know me. It is very strange feeling actually to know what they do, how they live but even not to talk to them. Though I do not read them regurarly but it happens through different links etc that I know who they are. I wanted to say: "Yeah I know you from the blog" and just skip the phrases like who are u, where are u from and those official phrases. But I didnt do it this time. It didnt feel natural. is really strange feelings. When I was reading some blogs I would never say that I would meet the person who writes them. And what if those people know me too? There are some links to my blog as well. Hmm..this isa topic for a book or movie.
The end of the party I loved! Not because it was end. No no no! I liked the atmosphere. Few people sitting and talking all together. Really cosy. =D
From Uppsala directly to Inese´s apartement to join the party of Los Poco Locos the best UNF club in Sweden. We were playing dart and I was trying different techniques. The handball technique - left, right, left, jump and shot suits me best =) Madlena with her beginner´s luck won twice =) I was the best in hitting the 1 which is very close to 20..but 20 was somehow sending the negative vibrations which calved the darts. It is the only possible explanation =)
The birthday party of Andreas was fun. Little bit crazy - mostly when we were singing the song which we just made up and each of us was singing her own one. can say that it sounded a bit chaotic but Andreas was happy. Almost as happy as he was for presents.Ehm. No more comments.
He will maybe blog about it. I hope so.
Really really nice weekend. And the winter has finally arrived to Sweden. Chilly snowy winter. I like it.
First I planned to have a free weekend finally to be able to study and rest from travelling, from alarm clocks - yes..mostly from being on time and be under the time pressure. BUT then the invitation from Lisa came. Hmmm..I was thinking...I like Lisa very much..hmmm..I see her very is not her birthday every day...semler (swedish kind of cakes or rolls with cream, almond mass and sugar) I love...I havent see the new apartement..and yes..I wanna wish her happy birthday in person so the answer YES was blinking in my head and the programme for saturday was fixed.
Hah..I thought that was it. BUT very spontaneous idea from Liza came up when we had lunch together with the other from the EGTYF office: "Inese..we havent seen your apartement yet. When can we come? Aha..tomorrow would be a nice day for a small visit." And yes the other party was fixed. Wheee!
The third party was because of Andreas and his birhday and this was on sunday. Btw..if u do not know what to give as a present to person who does not own a blog, then a blog is a very good and original idea =) Yes - here I am trying to say that Andreas is a new member of the blog world and he started really good with some confessions. But please do not believe everything he writes.
To sum up the parties:
Way to and from Lisas party was mainly talking about differences between Swedes and Slovaks and the way they express emotions and the topics they discuss. Malin who I was talking to seemed to be really interested into these intercultural differences and she agrees with me that Swedes (at least those I know) deliver mostly facts - Ito broaden general knowledge and one gets to learn something new all the time. Slovaks talk more on the level of impressions, feelings, mostly about past (near or far, personal or general).
Lisas party: Apartement is really really nice full of small interesting and original details. Looot of people of different ages. Several babies, children and adults. I sometimes even noticed Lisa! (running around among all those people) Some of the people I know from their blogs but they do not know me. It is very strange feeling actually to know what they do, how they live but even not to talk to them. Though I do not read them regurarly but it happens through different links etc that I know who they are. I wanted to say: "Yeah I know you from the blog" and just skip the phrases like who are u, where are u from and those official phrases. But I didnt do it this time. It didnt feel natural. is really strange feelings. When I was reading some blogs I would never say that I would meet the person who writes them. And what if those people know me too? There are some links to my blog as well. Hmm..this isa topic for a book or movie.
The end of the party I loved! Not because it was end. No no no! I liked the atmosphere. Few people sitting and talking all together. Really cosy. =D
From Uppsala directly to Inese´s apartement to join the party of Los Poco Locos the best UNF club in Sweden. We were playing dart and I was trying different techniques. The handball technique - left, right, left, jump and shot suits me best =) Madlena with her beginner´s luck won twice =) I was the best in hitting the 1 which is very close to 20..but 20 was somehow sending the negative vibrations which calved the darts. It is the only possible explanation =)
The birthday party of Andreas was fun. Little bit crazy - mostly when we were singing the song which we just made up and each of us was singing her own one. can say that it sounded a bit chaotic but Andreas was happy. Almost as happy as he was for presents.Ehm. No more comments.
He will maybe blog about it. I hope so.
Really really nice weekend. And the winter has finally arrived to Sweden. Chilly snowy winter. I like it.
Jag saknar Dante
Idag har vi haft en besök. Anna och Vidar var på kontoret. Anna är min super duper vän och en fantastisk bra människa. Vidar - är en hund. Springospaniel. Jag fick gå med honom lite omkring och aaaa...vad jag saknar min hund!!! Vad kan jag göra?
My Europe of those who I like very very much!
This is my hundredth "inlägg" and I should celebrate it by writing some really good blogg. I was thinking what should I write about. And I found a topic.
First of all - yes this is going to be in english because it is meant for people I like very very much
Second - it will be about people I like very very much =)
Walking to the work today, I was thinking (again). it is really cool to walk and to have time to think just like that. About life, people, weather whatever..
I realized that the geographical distance between me and people close to my heart does not play any role. And the same thing with time. It does not matter how many days, weeks or months have passed since we have seen each other or talked. When we see each other or talk again, it feels like the time space disappears.
This has come to my mind because I talked to Lorena (Spain) yesterday. I have not heard her since june. Nothing has changed. Still the same feelings. Still the same happiness.
Some weeks ago there was a favourite link to the website where you could check all the countries you have been to and it made a "World map of yours". Now I did the same for myself but instead of countries I have been I thought of people who I really care of and with whom the distance and time disappear.
UK - Katka alias Hermiona
Ireland - My brother (of course)
Norge - Hege (this is very interesting because we do not talk that much but still it feels very nice to meet her again and again)
Estonia/Germany - Kadri V.
Belarus - Sveta
Croatia - Ruza
Spain - Lorena
Slovakia - my parents and doggy (of course) and yes - more people - from NOM; classmates, Nana etc
I have not mentioned Sweden and I did not mention people from other european countries who are in Sweden with me right now but I believe that when we are apart, I can add Fredrik, Madlena, Anna and her mamma, is not possible to name all..
So this blogg is for all of the people I like a lot and I can´t see everyday. And for all the others who are daily around me, make my days and make me feel that I am living a meaningful life.
Big kalli and thank you!
First of all - yes this is going to be in english because it is meant for people I like very very much
Second - it will be about people I like very very much =)
Walking to the work today, I was thinking (again). it is really cool to walk and to have time to think just like that. About life, people, weather whatever..
I realized that the geographical distance between me and people close to my heart does not play any role. And the same thing with time. It does not matter how many days, weeks or months have passed since we have seen each other or talked. When we see each other or talk again, it feels like the time space disappears.
This has come to my mind because I talked to Lorena (Spain) yesterday. I have not heard her since june. Nothing has changed. Still the same feelings. Still the same happiness.
Some weeks ago there was a favourite link to the website where you could check all the countries you have been to and it made a "World map of yours". Now I did the same for myself but instead of countries I have been I thought of people who I really care of and with whom the distance and time disappear.
UK - Katka alias Hermiona
Ireland - My brother (of course)
Norge - Hege (this is very interesting because we do not talk that much but still it feels very nice to meet her again and again)
Estonia/Germany - Kadri V.
Belarus - Sveta
Croatia - Ruza
Spain - Lorena
Slovakia - my parents and doggy (of course) and yes - more people - from NOM; classmates, Nana etc
I have not mentioned Sweden and I did not mention people from other european countries who are in Sweden with me right now but I believe that when we are apart, I can add Fredrik, Madlena, Anna and her mamma, is not possible to name all..
So this blogg is for all of the people I like a lot and I can´t see everyday. And for all the others who are daily around me, make my days and make me feel that I am living a meaningful life.
Big kalli and thank you!
They trust me most probably =)
Today I have got an email with this content:
Marcella Williams,
Enclosed you will find your Account Details.
http://xxxxxxxx (there was a real http address - most probably with some commercial or even worse)
This is confidential data.
If you are not Marcella Williams and have received this message in
error, please do not access Marcella Williams's account.
Juanita Gore, Account Rep. dlp749765
Hahaaaaa...funny! And do you know what? I even did not try to check it. Because I am not Marcela Williams. If some of u know her, tell her that she can contact me =)
Marcella Williams,
Enclosed you will find your Account Details.
http://xxxxxxxx (there was a real http address - most probably with some commercial or even worse)
This is confidential data.
If you are not Marcella Williams and have received this message in
error, please do not access Marcella Williams's account.
Juanita Gore, Account Rep. dlp749765
Hahaaaaa...funny! And do you know what? I even did not try to check it. Because I am not Marcela Williams. If some of u know her, tell her that she can contact me =)
I am member of EGTYF - European Good Templar Youth Federation. Our aims are peace, tolerance and human dignity. We consider alcohol a hinder of development and democracy and that is the reason why none of EGTYF members drinks alcohol and use other drugs in any amount. That´s it. No more things. No we have nothing to do with religion, no we do not secretly carry Da Vinci´s code during the decades, we are not a sect, we do not have secret rituals, we do not sacrify animals or people.
We talk about society and the role of youth in the society, we run free time activities without drugs and alcohol, we help each other and we help people outside the organisation, we really like fun, we go to discos, theater, we read books and sometimes just do nothing and we are open for everybody (in both ways - whoever can enter and whoever can leave. Whenever.)
We talk about society and the role of youth in the society, we run free time activities without drugs and alcohol, we help each other and we help people outside the organisation, we really like fun, we go to discos, theater, we read books and sometimes just do nothing and we are open for everybody (in both ways - whoever can enter and whoever can leave. Whenever.)
Jag har inte haft nån matblogg än. Den här kommer att vara den enda matblogg under hela min blogg carrier antar jag. Varför det? Jag brukar inte laga mat (Det betyder inte att jag inte kan laga mat). Jag bara tycker att det är tråkigt att laga mat bara för mig själv. Så den enda mat jag lagar och tycker om väldigt väldigt mycket är pasta med tomatsås (extra vitlök) och ost. Det kan jag äta några gånger i veckan och vara nöjd. Så är det helt enkelt.
Mat jag älskar att äta i Sverige är Grekisk sallad. Jag äter inte så mycket svensk mat kan jag säga. Den bästa svensk mat är princess tårta tycker jag.
Och den bästa mat i allmänhet är solrosfrön. Jag köpte 800 g igår så nu får jag som en fågel äta dem 3 - 4 dagar =)
Mat jag älskar att äta i Sverige är Grekisk sallad. Jag äter inte så mycket svensk mat kan jag säga. Den bästa svensk mat är princess tårta tycker jag.
Och den bästa mat i allmänhet är solrosfrön. Jag köpte 800 g igår så nu får jag som en fågel äta dem 3 - 4 dagar =)