Katie Melua

I have heard Katie Melua for the first time and I liked her concert a lot. Here is a part of lyrics from a song called Spider´s web. It is a song about racism..and it has really impressed me:
...Because the line between wrong and right,
Is the width of a thread from a spider's web,
The piano keys are black and white,
But they sound like a million colours in your mind...
(listen to the sample of Spider´s web here: http://www.katiemelua.com/album3.htm)
We people are very rich together and we have so much to learn from each other. It is just be open-minded, sometimes to stop and listen or search for explanation..We do not need to be afraid of diversity. Diversity is not a hinder. Diversity is our advantage so we can develope. It is just to be patient sometimes. And willing to accept. Because together we are a wonderful song!!!
Postat av: maik
You can really write beautiful sentences. Or did Katie Melua create the last paragraph?
Postat av: Kristina
The last paragraph is written by me =)