My Europe of those who I like very very much!

This is my hundredth "inlägg" and I should celebrate it by writing some really good blogg. I was thinking what should I write about. And I found a topic.
First of all - yes this is going to be in english because it is meant for people I like very very much
Second  - it will be about people I like very very much =)

Walking to the work today, I was thinking (again). it is really cool to walk and to have time to think just like that. About life, people, weather whatever..
I realized that the geographical distance between me and people close to my heart does not play any role. And the same thing with time. It does not matter how many days, weeks or months have passed since we have seen each other or talked. When we see each other or talk again, it feels like the time space disappears. 
This has come to my mind because I talked to Lorena (Spain) yesterday. I have not heard her since june. Nothing has changed. Still the same feelings. Still the same happiness.

Some weeks ago there was a favourite link to the website where you could check all the countries you have been to and it made a "World map of yours". Now I did the same for myself but instead of countries I have been I thought of people who I really care of and with whom the distance and time disappear.

UK - Katka alias Hermiona
Ireland - My brother (of course)
Norge - Hege (this is very interesting because we do not talk that much but still it feels very nice to meet her again and again)
Estonia/Germany - Kadri V.
Belarus - Sveta
Croatia - Ruza
Spain - Lorena
Slovakia - my parents and doggy (of course) and yes - more people - from NOM; classmates, Nana etc

I have not mentioned Sweden and I did not mention people from other european countries who are in Sweden with me right now but I believe that when we are apart, I can add Fredrik, Madlena, Anna and her mamma, is not possible to name all..

So this blogg is for all of the people I like a lot and I can´t see everyday. And for all the others who are daily around me, make my days and make me feel that I am living a meaningful life.

Big kalli and thank you!

Postat av: Hermiona

tak tento blog sa ti na 100. blog velmi vydaril. Krasne si to napisala. A dakujem, ze si ma spomenula. No ale chyba tam ta zmrzkaaaaaa! Skoda, ze nevydis xichtiky ludi, co si to citaju. Urcite ich oziari hrejivy a nezbedny luc Slniecka z obrazovky! Tak ako aj mna. Zase mam z teba usmev od ucha k uchu! A sranda, prave pocuvam Slnecnu baladu od Pehy!Tak som si ju pustila este raz. Kaaallllliiiiiiiiiiiiii! A Born to be wiiiiiiild!

2006-02-03 @ 19:15:09
Postat av: Anonym

Aha, a este, ze gratulujem k 100. inlagu! Hug! A pekne ti rastie aj pocet citatelov. Ja to vidim na Pulitzerovku, budem doma plakat ked bude prenos! chi-chi-chi

2006-02-03 @ 19:22:38
Postat av: Kristina

Hihi..a ja ta pozdravim cez televizne kamery =) A mozno aj nejake luce ti poslem =) Mam ta radaaaaa!!!!

2006-02-03 @ 23:04:35
Postat av: Katka

To som nevedela, ze si mozes komentovat svoje veci. No fakt ziadna cenzura, ani vnutorna! Kam ten svet speje?! chi-chi-chi. Sa to tu pomaly rozbehne ako chat v blogu, no pekne. Dnes som bola v St. James parku kuknut kacicky a vevericky. Bolo super a spomenula som si, ako sme tam spolu sedkali a vykecavali. Tomu sa hovori relax! A zase sa z teba smejem, no budem o chvilu potrebovat ten krem a velmi urgentne. Aj ja ta mam radaaa, a mooooooc! A teraz to uz vie celyyyyy sveeeeeeet! A posielam hugisko ako svet, co pozna, ze ta mam rada! chi-chi-chi

2006-02-04 @ 21:15:57

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