...is on the window again =) Cute!
And the story continues...
- Belarus (2004)
- Greece (2005)
- Spain (several times, rather big change of the haircut) (2005)
- Bulgaria (several times) (2005/2006)
- Slovakia (me...hihi..does it count?) (2006)
- Sweden (2007)
- Turkey (2007)
- Macedonia (2007)
Anybody interested in contributing to the list? You are very welcome =)
Without a common part of our lives
At 09.43 a.m I heard "Aaaa!" from Maja´s office. At the same time my computer turned off. Light switched off. Music stopped playing. Out of blue we were without electricity. Scouts sitting in the conference room have not noticed anything and continued their meeting with their laptops. No clue about the situation. Maja came to my office. "What are we going to do now? Should we have a tea?" Hmmm... and how? We kind of need warm water for that =) I went downstairs there some people also noticed a sudden change! We looked out, workers from the company opposite to us appeared. All of a sudden lots of people outside in an area where u hardly see a person. =) Hihii..all of them shocked. What will we do now? When it comes to me..All my application writing was kind of interrupted. I had free time just for myself =) It did not last for long, just few minutes, but it was nice =)
Spring has really arrived

Dante watching the spring

Butterflies =)

Good news for environment
But back to the article. It was about the latest success of scientists who invented a pill for cows. The pill "converts the cows into environment friendly elements" (exact translation). The thing is that cows produce such amount of methan that contributes by 4% to the global warming. So the pill will help to produce less gas and more milk instead. The elements of the gas will also contribute (with the help of the pill) to production of glucosis (sorry for spelling).
I also think (my "scientific" approach) that eating less meat and animal products would also help. So hey..non.vegetarians, eat them all for good and then start with soja. It is very mnami!
My life with volunteers
After we have come to the office in the morning.
Maja asking: Do u wanna tea?
Kristina: Yes, please. Roibos.
Maja: Which one?
Kristina: Roibos. Hmm..yes Roibos.
after 2 minutes when the water has boiled.
Maja: Which kind?
Kristina: ...
Maja: Aha!
International day for eliminiation of racial discrimination
Today is the International day for the elimination of racial discrimination
I am giving 10 points (out of 10) to my favourite radio because they are talking about it the whole morning and they are bringing interesting facts.
I also googled a bit. Nice nice things online. For example this one about the concept of Race.
PC Suite
Me and Dante in the office
Aha..he barks when the new people come (mostly on men) but don´t be afraid. He is just very happy! He does not bite!

And at home..he reads =) He just finished Harry Potter (in english).

New haircut - second try

The previous try see here
Springtime - bring it on
Today is officially the first spring day (astronomic spring) Yuhuuu! But in commercial world the spring arrived in the frist february week when the picture was actually taken (8.2.2007, Örebro).

And Oscar goes to...
They are young, they do not care.
There are several reasons for me giving an award: worth of erasing to this statement:
1. I do not thing that a word "young" should serve as an excuse for not caring about what is going on around.
2. I do think there are many young people who care
3. By saynig this, we create a general belief that young people do not have to care because they are young. They they do not have to resist a group pressure because they are young. That they can do stupidities and do not have to take responsibilities because they are young and they will mature one nice day.
The jury´s (my) decision is based on a conversation I have had with a friend today, who told me that he had drunk a lot when he was younger. I asked "why" (of course). He said: "I was young. I did not care. Young people do not care" (expressing it as a general law of physics). Yeah..if everybody says so and accept it as an excuse, of course youth won´t care.
Weekend with Friends...
I spent the weekend with friends and Friends. Preparatory team of the seminar in Croatia had meeting in Örebro so i got to meet some nice faces. Some of them old friends (younger than me though ;-)..hihi) some of them new (also younger than me..hmm) and really really nice.
Except of plalnning, being together outside and talking, we were watching Friends as well. Oh..have I mentioned that my dvd collection of Friends has grown again? Now i have three seasons. Yuhuuuuu!!!!!
New function needed...
There could be a "sensor" or smth which indentifies a phrase "see the attachement" or similar and alert me before the email has been sent in the case the attachement is missing. Hmmm..I would like that!
Another solution would be to be little bit more concentrated when I am sending the emails.
Tusen tack till...!!!
Idag var det Chokladogram att hämta =)

Mums fillibaba =)

Det var en överraskning. Verkligen oförväntad. Och mest viktigast var texten som kom med. Tusen tack!
Quotation of the day ;-)
"I have to buy a me a new wallet. This one is full" (KS)
News from Dante´s life
I have been better at bowling...
Gender in the toys
Back to prom days
And now I know where I´ll spent most of my holidays...
My brother and me after I got the diploma

Volunteers of 2006/2007

Here we are. Me and the three volunteers in the Active office: Tiina, Maik and Maja. They have just started their field work in different parts of Europe and we will meet like this again in May. I am so much looking forward to May!
Let me...
...welcome the second serie of "Friends" to my "Friends" dvd collections =)