Without a common part of our lives
At 09.43 a.m I heard "Aaaa!" from Maja´s office. At the same time my computer turned off. Light switched off. Music stopped playing. Out of blue we were without electricity. Scouts sitting in the conference room have not noticed anything and continued their meeting with their laptops. No clue about the situation. Maja came to my office. "What are we going to do now? Should we have a tea?" Hmmm... and how? We kind of need warm water for that =) I went downstairs there some people also noticed a sudden change! We looked out, workers from the company opposite to us appeared. All of a sudden lots of people outside in an area where u hardly see a person. =) Hihii..all of them shocked. What will we do now? When it comes to me..All my application writing was kind of interrupted. I had free time just for myself =) It did not last for long, just few minutes, but it was nice =)
It was a sign that warned us that we are gonna have a crazy day I think! =) And we did.. I feel like I had a long and exchausting physical activity.. But it feels nice.. and hungry =)
sounds funny.. of course its not nice to be out of electricity, but imagine how many people you discover..:-D