
Is the duck swimming in the lake or flying in the sky?
Is the duck aware of its importance in the picture?
Are people around me aware of their importance in my life?


Postat av: Madlena

The duch I furst tought it is a durty spot on your camera:Ppp but out of the joke...the picture is wonderful and i officially propose you to organise an exposition with your best photos!:)

2006-05-22 @ 14:53:40
Postat av: Sanja

Are you aware of your importance in my life?! :))

2006-05-22 @ 17:26:22
Postat av: kadri

how can one live without sunshine? i cant.. its the sunshine in the day and some stars in the night. and since they are so high, they see eachother all the time, they talk, even if in their minds, they are there.. and a csillag wouldnt like to exist without the sunshine... isnt it great they both exist and know eachother...

missss uuuuuuuuuu

2006-05-22 @ 17:35:33
Postat av: Kristina to Madlena was you who "directed" my attention to the duck when I was taking pics..THANK YOU! And I will think about making the exposition.Seriously.

2006-05-23 @ 01:03:59
Postat av: Kristina to Sanja make me feel it very often and it gives me strength to grow =) I appreciate it very much! I hope u feel it as well =)

2006-05-23 @ 01:06:58
Postat av: Kristina to Kadri I said: Sometimes a star can make the sun shine =) I will keep your words on mind and in heart forever..
I think it is amazing that their lives crossed..

2006-05-23 @ 01:09:33
Postat av: Sv-ta

"With all words
I draw near the water
The light of your face"

2006-05-23 @ 16:22:37
Postat av: Sv-ta

"With all words
I draw near the water
The light of your face"

2006-05-23 @ 16:24:33
Postat av: sv-ta

"With all words
I draw near the water
The light of your face"

2006-05-23 @ 16:24:41
Postat av: Kristina to Sveta

Hug Sweety! I miss you a lot!!!!

2006-05-27 @ 12:06:35

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