Our parliament equals reality shows

It seems like all in slovak politics is solved and our parliamentarians have nothing to do so they make up some (exciting) problems all the time. I haven´t heard anything about serious political dialogues in TV news since I came home from Sweden. They just complain about each other, blame each other and swear on each other. Yes. Sad but that´s true!!!
The latest problem is "buying votes" within parliament.  Negotiation with the help of money. One parliamentarian got an offer from other parliamentarians to get her new house building finnish and some more money if she votes in accord with their wishes. She refused and talked to a leader (who is in troubles with some money transactions) of her party who in, secret, recorded the whole private (!) dialogue and showed it to police and media.
The parliamentarian who was about to be bought claims that she has never got any offer and that the recorded tape is a fake. Now it is up to judge to decide. But what to do. The record was taken illegally so another question arises..can they use it at the court? So..such problems we have in Slovakia. I just wonder if all teachers who are using all motivation because they have terrible conditions to work in, or homeless people begging in the streets (they are lucky that november has been very warm here) do care about such record.
It feels like our parliamentarians are little bit worried that reality shows with all those intrigues will get more attention than direct sendings from parliament...


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