Time machine...

Nina asked me today if I would have liked to travel back in time...
Of course I would. It doesnt mean that I would like to change my experience, but I would like to come back to some situations and live them again. Who wouldn´t?..If I should change something I would maybe like to appreciate things and people more than I did. Or I would like to see them from the perspective I have now. I would definitely talked to more people than I did and I would try to believe and trust in myself more than I did..
But about life choices - I am rather satisfied with my life so far. I followed my feelings very often and i dont regret anything what I did. Maybe only what I didnt do...


I had a very strange dream. I was with my classmate from secondary school. We were just outside in a forrest and then she decided to spy on some people down next to the river. It was some gang which was trafficling something. So we had to hide and crowl. They didnt see us and we were in no danger but I remember the feeling - it was very uncomfortable. I don´t like hiding. In general. I don´t like those situations which force me to hide or not to be honest. I haven´t experienced it for a long time. Luckily. The only hiding I can accept is hide and seek game...

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