Long time no seen

I have been missing this space on web so much. I have been missing logging in and pushing the button: "New entry" and now it feels so nice. I haven´t written anything meanigful yet but it already feels good to be here.

Yes I took a break from blogging for several reasons.
1. My internet at home is not working
2. I would blog about things not "politically correct" due to my position at work and this I dont want
3. I did not have time ( This weekend was my first totally free weekend  - meaning both days free - since 24th of March 2007) To clarify things - I am not complaining. All those days were very giving.

What i would have written about if I had time then would be:
1. Gender equality thoughts inspired by FInish parliament
2. UNF
3. My mom
4. Meeting Sveta
5. Thoughts after Active board meeting

I wrote those things down here cause I really want to blog about them and I believe that having this published will force me to come back to them.

And of course i will blog about the weekend which was GREAT!
Saturday was lazy lazy lazy day - sleeping, walking Dante, reading, spleeping, walking Dante,watching some Friends episodes and sleeping again.
Sunday was mostly about being outside. First three hours walk with Dante (the pics will come) who made me really laugh when he decided to drink from a fontaine. That fact itself is not very funny I know. Additional part is that after the first contact with the water, he jumped into it and cooled himself down at the same time he was drinking. Was so cute. He repeated this some hours later when we were outside again. So I consider it his new way of drinking. After the walk we went home for a while to prepare a small cake and then we went off again together with Maja, Maik and Tiina to Andreas to have a barbecue. The idea came very spontaneously. We kicked a bit football (I did not know I liked football but i do) and played Kubb ( a swedish game). You can guess (once) whose team won both times ;-) After that I came home and instead of watching a movie I had planned to watch I went rollerskating and just started "evening rollerskating season" - after 21.00, no people, no wind, still light, good music. Great way to relax!

So yes! Now I feel I have recharged my battery again =)

Postat av: maik

welcome back then =))
I guess I am not the only one being happy about your new blogg =))

2007-05-21 @ 13:52:46
Postat av: Maja

No you are not.. I mean I am also... and I am happy for your recharging.. and I am happy for my recharging also! =) hihi...
anyway... welcomeeeeee

2007-05-21 @ 16:07:40
Postat av: Sanja

I really missed this blog! And I am very happy it woke up =)))

2007-05-21 @ 19:38:59
Postat av: Katka

Danteeeee! Jeditiiiii!

2007-05-24 @ 10:32:55
Postat av: Miss Gallery 2008

Excellent site.
Well done.
Seen that done for the people.
I invite you to visit my site.

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