Back from Estonia

I think I can´t imagine better end of 2006 and beginnig of 2007 than I had. I mean better for me. Of course I am convinced that many people found great ways how to spent their last week of the year. I spent it with people I love and care about, doing things I consider meaningful, learning and having fun.

I liked the programme. I really enjoyed having lecture about gender, I liked the other lectures that made me think ( for example language and prejudice). I liked the evening events. I liked dancing with Maik, I liked crazy Santa and Snegurka =), fun Amercan, I liked being Xmas tree and all the spontaneous crazyness which popped up from time to time...

So I want to say THANK YOU all who organized this event and who have been there..I feel I have gained lots of strength to continue and develope our organisations.. 


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