Open eyes
Kristina, 'glad-sad', 'happy-unhappy' it's quite serious. Looks like "bipolar disorder", maybe it's even beginning of "manic-depressive psychosis". I think you have to get an advice from a psychologist. Can I recommend you a good one? ;-)
"Wonderful days" how could I forget it! Do you wanna make some people very glad or almost happy? Some years they have a problem ...
So "Wonderful Days". It's a track of Dutch DJs Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo. Classics of happy hardcore.
Problem is next. It's impossible to understand the actual lyrics. At since 2001 they discuss it.
In the end of 2006 I've found the actual lyrics. It was taken from French disco Ottawan's song "Help, Get Me Some Help", 1981.
And here actual lyrics
I think it's a good idea to go to's forum and inform people. And it's 'exclusive' :-) information, I've never told anyone about it
And for all those who like hardcore, just was released 2 CDs "DJ Paul Elstak - 2007 Show No Fear". The same style as his "DJ Paul Elstak - 2004 - One Day We Kill Em All". It was so good to listen to it after unskillfull, poor and bletcherous
"DJ Slutkey & DJ Kosinus - 2003 - Gay CD" and "DJ Slutkey & DJ Kosinus - 2005 - Gay CD 2"
Kika, first of all do not waste your time being angry at yourself for being sad when you should be absolutely happy. The other things are fine. I think everyone has ambiguous feelings from time to time and this only shows that you are a complex and colourful personality.
And those who have no idea what ambiguous feelings are like, should visit a psychologist themselves before they advise it to other people.
Katka, I did not meant anything bad. To tell true, PD and MDP it's a prerogative not of psychologist, but psychiatrist. I did not advised to Kristina visit a psychiatrist (I'm not such crazy), but writing "psychologist" I meant Kristina herself.
And it's absolutely normal what she feels right now. Expectation of anything is in 80-90% is more emotional rich than final result. Then goes indifference, apathy etc it's normal. Any psychologist will tell you it =)
Thanks, Foxpox. I think that some of your contribution are so edgy and cynical, that it is quite hard to tell if you intend to offend people or you are just making bening jokes. Apologies for my sincerety.
And I do not agree that with these diagnoses you should go exclusively to a psychiatrist, of course. These states are to too complex to state anything too uncompromising in advance.
Katka, please, no need apologies, everything is okay.
"Cynical" ... Do you remember brillian song "The Logical Song" of "Supertramp"? Great words,
"When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well theyd be singing so happily,
Joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
Logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
Clinical, intellectual, CYNICAL."
Although I prefer SCOOTER's version of this song "Ramp! (The Logical Song)". Life is so ... cannot write bad words here. And I really was very glad for Kristina, btw my congratulations were the first here :-)
About "psychiatrist". It's not good when people who are very far from psychiatry, sexology etc trying to ... Okay, look. Under presure of american feminist organizations zoophilia was not longer classified as a pathology under DSM-IV (TR) (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association). Before of it the same was about gays (I mean men). Now in Europe instead of psychiatrists and sexologists (who are still tell that zoophilia and male homosexuality are pathology, no matter what those apologists of pedo-gay-politcorrectness tell from Brussels). Instead of specialists now there is a crowd of "psychologists, specializing in sexology" with their sodomite propaganda. Yesterday I've read that 80% of gays in Denmark after 30 y.o. are partly of full impotents (let they tell 'thanx' to politcorrectness for it). What will be with Europe in 20 years? I think as soon as possible must be closed all gay and zoophilia organizations + feminist organization (I mean those, which support sodomites). Oh yes, I have to phone to my friend, he is gay, last time I spoke with him month ago, I hope he is okay :-)
Foxpox, I had a good laugh on your comments. Sorry, again. You are completely off the wall! Who says that gays are impotent? I see no reasons why these two categories should be identical, and they are not. Only for minds that are totally closed up from the world. I am not going to waste my time here... Yes, but one helpful recommendation. You really believe everything you read? Then you just can put your brain into a pickle jar, and live your life happily on.