My life with volunteers
Sooo much fun with these people. Some highlights of the weekend:
We entered a food place and at the place where there is usually lots of vegetable was only an empty "container" with some ice on edges. When a personal came to accounter and expected an order from us, Maja full of concern said: "Hej, is everything OK? Then I would like to have tuna baguette"
Another story connected to food is from this evening. We were eating at an Indian restaurant. The food was really really good and the waiter was extremely nice. When he came after we have finished, he asked: "Was it good?" And I answered: " Yes it was very good. We will pay. It was sooo good that we will even pay"
hmmm - I can't say that I was happy about that statement...
I really like the Indian restaurant, its food and the waiter. He even remembered us from our previous visit there. He was so very nice, so polite and smiling that I already counted on maybe him letting us go without paying... ;)) I mean that would have been kind as well, wouldn't it???? :))
But then there was this "funny" statement that ALMOST everybody laughed about... ;)) :))
I love our statements!!! And I think it is very nice and funny for people who work there to hear different answers and questions.. and we made their day and work happier! =) hihi... and I love our days here... I love us as a team! =)
Hey, hey, enough with that love alrady!!!! There is too much =)))) Maybe I'll have a chance to go there, and take some of it =))))))))))
Whoever you are... you are very very wellcome!!!!! =) was Sanja =)
I could guess... I can feel her (plus I know she is the onlyone that can write smiles with so many mouths =))))))
So Maja has a very special and warm nickname for her little sister: "whoever" ... ;)) :))) :))) :))
God bless you