Being in Slovakia
But now I go to bed. Tomorrow:
5.00 wake up
5 - 6.00 thesis
7.00 train
8.00 - Bratislava
8 - 9.00 Meeting Lucia
9. - 17.00 Library
17.00 - meeting NOM
22.00 train
22.25 sms to Maja how Idol has been
23.00 home sweet home
Put a "reading an interesting sms" somewhere in the middle! =)
Don't you ever eat?
35 min for sms ... maybe you type it using one finger on your Nokia's keypad?! Not 10 fingers on computer's keyboard like all people do?
Idol ... music on TV? Hey Jan Tore, as far as I rembember you are from Norway. 2 years there Idol won Margaret Berger. Her 'Samantha' is superb. And I like practically all her 2006 "Pretty Scary Silver Fairy". Just cannot understand why she has not Web site.
=))) =))))
Margaret Berger is one of the most interesting singers coming out of the norwegian idol so far. She didn't win though. It was a 27 year old guy which we have neither heart nor seen anything off since. Coming second place seems to be better than coming first in Idol, if we should look at experience so far.
I have seen him, this Norwegian winner of Idol when my friends watched the international version or something...
Of course I don't watch this. And if I do, then only because of smiling compnay :))
Hmmmmm, Maik excuses, excuses...... Why don't you just admit once that you can not live your day without thinking of idol, or Desperate housewifes =)))))
aaahhh - don't remind me of this Desperate Houswife session... it left me desperate... ;)) really gloomy this serie and I will not watch it again (I think..)
But the company I had was nice and thus I enjoyed a lot! :)) :))
Foxpox..thank u for your advice. What would I do whithout you?
About Idol. I guess it is really company which makes me enjoy it. I havent seen it this friday and I did not miss it at all. On the other hand I missed some of my neighbours =)
Minja...THANK YOU!!!!
Danny åkte ur Idol och det måste bero på att du inte tittade! Ditt fel alltså.. =) Jag tittade och Marcus är fortfarande kvar. Hihi. Heja Jens!
Neeeeeeeeeej..han var den enda som kunde sjunga! Aaaaaaaa...! Jag ska inte aka hem innan Idol ar slut. Och nasta gang ar du inbjuden till mig och sen ska jag stanga dig i badrummet sa du far inte titta och Marcus far aka hem. Heja Felicia =)