First astronomic summer day
Today is the first astronomic summer day and I go to Faroe Islands with +10 C. Great way to celebrate the summer - to run away from it. But maybe better than to be in Bulgaria where it is 40 C. I think I prefer +10. It does not paralyze at least ;-)

Faroe Islands - 48 000 inhabitants and 70 000 sheep

Faroe Islands - 48 000 inhabitants and 70 000 sheep
Youth in IOGT Guinea Bissau is making stones/bricks to build a center for their meetings, skill trainings and camping. I am impressed. In some countries one has to beg people to take part in activities. In some countries youth come and build their own house to have place to learn.
If you want to read more, check:
And if you want to contribute financially, you can do that as well. Just check the link above. I will do that for sure!
Two new things in my life after this saturday.
1. I have new shoes, which are roundy (very important), support my feet (even more important) and environmental friendly (the most important)

This is what a little brochure says about the way they were produced:
Global warming contribution: 0
Material efficiency: 98%
Made with 100% renewable energy
Distribution center 60% powered by the sun
I am very satisfied with my choice =)
2. Dante has a new hair cut. So I have a little chicken instead of cockerspaniel at home again. He seems to be happy. I guess it was very warm for him in these summer days. It took me some time to cut his hair but it was worth it. A very patient german guy talking to Dante constantly was also of a great help. Now Dante is sleeping peacefully on my sofa. So soft he is. And so happy I am!!!

1. I have new shoes, which are roundy (very important), support my feet (even more important) and environmental friendly (the most important)

This is what a little brochure says about the way they were produced:
Global warming contribution: 0
Material efficiency: 98%
Made with 100% renewable energy
Distribution center 60% powered by the sun
I am very satisfied with my choice =)
2. Dante has a new hair cut. So I have a little chicken instead of cockerspaniel at home again. He seems to be happy. I guess it was very warm for him in these summer days. It took me some time to cut his hair but it was worth it. A very patient german guy talking to Dante constantly was also of a great help. Now Dante is sleeping peacefully on my sofa. So soft he is. And so happy I am!!!

ICAA part no. I or "quotations"
The ICAA conference in Stockholm was another battery charger for me. I was really longing for some new imput. Writing applications, visiting organisations, helping with the seminars is lots of fun but at one point I find myself missing new information given in form of lectures, via discussions (as I was used from the university). So now I got a huge present by being there.
In this entry I want to share a story which was a part of a great great presentation held by Hans Rosling from Sweden telilng about his neighbour who is an expert on wine and knows about 200 different sorts of wine. Hans said he knows only 2 sorts of wine: red and white. But on the other hand the neighbour knows only two types of countries -developing and industrialized compared to Hans who knows 202.
The sentence he said afterwards still resonates in my ears: "We know wine better than the world (...) Our slogan should be Absolute shame"
In this entry I want to share a story which was a part of a great great presentation held by Hans Rosling from Sweden telilng about his neighbour who is an expert on wine and knows about 200 different sorts of wine. Hans said he knows only 2 sorts of wine: red and white. But on the other hand the neighbour knows only two types of countries -developing and industrialized compared to Hans who knows 202.
The sentence he said afterwards still resonates in my ears: "We know wine better than the world (...) Our slogan should be Absolute shame"
With Dante again

My little buddy was very happy to see me again. To be honest..I dont know which one of us was happier.
IOGT International board meeting

Esbjörn Hörnberg (Executive Director, Sweden), Sisira Kodagoda (Sri Lanka), me, Jan Jobmann (Germany), Sven Olov Carlsson (Sweden), Ginny Wortman (USA), Nils Kohl (Denmark), John Kimiro (Tanzania), Tanya Salyuk (Ukraine), Liv Karin Slåttebrekk (Norway) is missing
The first IOGT International board meeting went well. I got to lead it the first day because Sven Olov had to be at another meeting. It was a good new experience. I think the board consists of experienced people bringing their perspectives and opinions. I liked the way we worked and I believe it will be better and better. We have just got to know each other. We also have to understand our tasks better. But as said..we are on a good way! I liked it a looot!
1/3 over
So the first third of the traveling is behind me. Iceland and Stockholm.
On Iceland there were many moments when I just told to myself: "This is something for my blog" Now when sitting here in Örebro after spending another week in Stockholm with great and interesting people from different corners of the world, I do not know what to write first or whether to write at all but Iceland was so great that it deserves some words:
We were welcomed by unexpectedly warm weather (+12) and a rainbow. Very strong colours. Right after that the real Icelandic weather showed its face. Rain rain and rain. Soft, or strong accompanied by wind. To write about nature is really not difficult. It is lava and smell of sulfid all over. We also got a present - 2 hours extra so our day lasted 26 hours. U know how u sometimes wish for longer days. wish came true =) Our guide on Iceland was Adelstein. This guy really knows how not to stress. He takes life very easy. Every day with him brought at least one joke. So instead of writing about my days I will publish some of the jokes or statements and pictures of that beautiful place.
a) There are no trees on Iceland and if there are any, they are very small. So the question is: What to do when you get lost in Icelandic forrest? (the answer is on the bottom of this entryl)
b) What is the difference between summer and winter on Iceland?
c) We visited a great place owned by IOGT Iceland. It is a huge camping area right under the vulcano Hekla. Hekla is very active. Latest time it errupted in 2001. So I asked Adelstein whether it is practical to own such place. so close to the danger. One never knows whether it will exist the next day. His answer came very fast. "It is OK. We will be the first who will know that it is coming"
Yeah..that´s it. He takes life very easy =)
And here you can see some of the pics:

And Adelstein himself =)
a) To stand up
b) Rain in summer is little bit warmer
On Iceland there were many moments when I just told to myself: "This is something for my blog" Now when sitting here in Örebro after spending another week in Stockholm with great and interesting people from different corners of the world, I do not know what to write first or whether to write at all but Iceland was so great that it deserves some words:
We were welcomed by unexpectedly warm weather (+12) and a rainbow. Very strong colours. Right after that the real Icelandic weather showed its face. Rain rain and rain. Soft, or strong accompanied by wind. To write about nature is really not difficult. It is lava and smell of sulfid all over. We also got a present - 2 hours extra so our day lasted 26 hours. U know how u sometimes wish for longer days. wish came true =) Our guide on Iceland was Adelstein. This guy really knows how not to stress. He takes life very easy. Every day with him brought at least one joke. So instead of writing about my days I will publish some of the jokes or statements and pictures of that beautiful place.
a) There are no trees on Iceland and if there are any, they are very small. So the question is: What to do when you get lost in Icelandic forrest? (the answer is on the bottom of this entryl)
b) What is the difference between summer and winter on Iceland?
c) We visited a great place owned by IOGT Iceland. It is a huge camping area right under the vulcano Hekla. Hekla is very active. Latest time it errupted in 2001. So I asked Adelstein whether it is practical to own such place. so close to the danger. One never knows whether it will exist the next day. His answer came very fast. "It is OK. We will be the first who will know that it is coming"
Yeah..that´s it. He takes life very easy =)
And here you can see some of the pics:

Rainbow, Geysir place, Waterfall, Geysir (sprinkles app. every 6th minute)

And Adelstein himself =)
a) To stand up
b) Rain in summer is little bit warmer
So in some hours all the traveling and not being at home starts..=)