Handball - I wanna play fair games

We played handball yesterday. We won which is nice. We were leading the whole match with 5 -6 goals and in the end we won only with one. A bit exciting maybe. I was not worried for a second about other result than victory.

The first half was a nice game - according to me. But the other half was actually not that much fun. Opponents including their coach (!) were mean, trying to offend us and hitting us. (OK ok..the coach did not) 
I wonder why they play handball. Do they really have fun if their only way  to score is by distracting and attacking the opponent  by means beyond the rules?

This is not what sport is about. I want to play handball to have fun! So please let´s play fair.

Postat av: Sanja

I think they have missunderstood the reason, and the goal of playing handball (or any other sport). They want to win so bad, that they don't care how, just to win the match. So becouse they couldn't win on the regular way, they had to try any other way. But as I can see, they failed in that too. =))))

2006-10-15 @ 13:36:50
Postat av: Boanastasia

Thanks for the information

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