Cultural differences in blogg communities I have another topic for some research..There are cultural differences reflected in the blogg behaviour. Would be cool to analyze them a bit more.
Two days ago I joined a slovak blog community and commented some blog..there were immediately 5 other comments to it..people who dont know each other and the blogger just discussed..What I have noticed in Swedish blogs is that mostly friends or collegues use to comment..
I think it is a bit like that in real daily life..People do not enter each others lives (unless work requires that) that much here in Sweden. Just closed groups all over.
But maybe I am wrong?

Postat av: Jan Tore

Tja. Mitt inntrykk er vel at folk kan opptre anderledes på nettet enn det de gjør andre steder. Terskelen for å komme i kontakt med andre er jo litt mindre, så det burde jo egentlig utlikne kulturforskjellene. Men det er jo interessant om det er noen forskjeller. Jeg tror kanskje det heller er forskjell på communities hvor det legges opp til at man befinner seg i et slags fellesskap (f.eks at man må logge seg inn), og enkeltblogger som f.eks denne her, som føles litt mer privat.

Postat av: Virre

Your wrong, or right. It's the most read blogs gets comments from everywhere. Those how get people to read them. (Oh well and the UNF blogs have latley had a load of debate in them... hrmmm...)

2006-03-16 @ 17:15:22
Postat av: Kristina

Yes Virre..this i have noticed that UNF blogs are very often commented..but is people who know each other or belong to the same group so have something in common..I do not see there people out of UNF commenting..
On the other hand I agree that my blog is not the most read that can be a reason too =)

Jan Tore: I also thought that internet gives more space and people are free to create whatever identity they they feel free to act differently. And then I noticed this difference.
And I think I will do some research =)Your idea was very good!!!

2006-03-16 @ 22:39:24
Postat av: Karstenmona

Great site, enjoyed my stay, thanks for the cookies!

2010-06-24 @ 14:11:43

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