Handball. We lost. And what?

We lost today. It is the first handball match this "handball"year we have lost. We were leading the competition the whole year and now when we have only 3 matches left, we have lost and we are on the second place. But..I do not mind. It is also maybe for the first time in my life that I do not mind that. I love winning. It is really cool and the feeling is so strong! But this match made me think. Why do I like winning so much? It is proof that i/we are good..better than other players. Proof that we are a good team. Hmm..But (as for example also the match at OG Sweden-Slovakia) showed that to win is not always about being the best. And the other way around.
I know that all of us did everything we could for the match. We had really nice moments. And actually we haven´t lost anything. Just one game which lasted for one hour. Now we all are back to our homes, some with people they live with, me sitting at the computer eating pasta.. Life goes on. That´s what´s so marvelous about it. What would change if we had won that match? Yeah..we would maybe play in the third divsion instead of forth next year. But who knows if that would be better for us. 
The most important thing is that we did not give up the match. That we played and tried. We are not worse or better players than we were before. And I actually feel stronger after the lost. And I am looking forward to saturday and the next match. I wanna have fun!!!! 


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