Aim or process?

Right now I am chattin with a friend while writing my thesis. The topic of our dialogue is whether a process or a result is more important in peoples life.
I claim that if we were focused only on results we wouldn´t have very much fun in the life. The rest of what we do would be just duties duties duties. Moreover the results are not always as we imagined them.
I think that if the process brings happiness into our lives then there is a higher probability that the result will be also good and enriched by all the things we have experienced on the way to the aim...
My friend suggest the oposite. The result is the most important and process is just the neccessary evil. If it would be possible he would skip the process.But I´m asking..where would be the point then? Where is the sense? Does it really bring happiness withou any effort? For how long?
Beverly Sills said:  "There are no shortcuts to the places where it is worth to go to"
And I add my experienced I have observed: People who enjoy what they do and those who do things with their heart usually reach better results and are satisfied in their lives. 

Postat av: Katka

No ja momentalne chapem aj postoj tvojho kamosa. Napr. vyplnat vselijake zbytocne formulare kvoli stipku nie je nijaka zabava, to ti poviem, a ani ta to mimoriadne neposunie dopredu. A na samotnom vysledku zalezi viac ako na procese (v tomto pripade). Mam pocit, ze bud mate pravdu obidvaja alebo ani jeden. Niekedy zalezi na procese a na samotnom vysledku ani moc nie, niekedy zalezi na vysledku viac ako na procese (stipko) a niekedy zalezi na obidvoch veciach atd. A to na com zalezi v konkretnej situacii urci asi najlepsie subjektivne clovek, takze pre teba zalezi viac na procese a pre kamosa na vysledku. Takze asi takto vyzera riesenie pre mna.

2006-02-26 @ 23:45:44
Postat av: Kristina

V celku suhlasim!!!! Mas pravdu. Kamarat tiez. Formularov som sa tiez navyplnala plno - EU je o formularoch, no za seba mozem povedat, ze pri kazdom som sa nieco naucila, alebo som sa nad niecim zamyslela a pomohlo mi to nieco lepsie sformulovat napriklad. Cize toto je tiez vec pohladu. Ale suhlasim, ze je to velmi subjektivne, zavisi od casu a inych veci, co ma clovek na praci. A s kamaratom sme tiez vlastne prisli na to, ze obe veci su podstatne kedy ako =)

2006-02-27 @ 01:33:45
Postat av: Sverrelily

Lots of great info, keep up the good work!

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