Alcohol in our lives

Am I too radical? I am member of a temperance organisation and I work as a volunteer for European Temperance oragisation EGTYF. I dont drink alcohol. i dont drink it at all. There are several reasons for that.
I didnt start to drink alcohol because I had some nice life plans and I didnt want to do anything what could ruin them. My typical characteristic is that when I do something I have to do it in the best possible way (the best I can). I felt that alcohol and drugs would be a problem in this field.For example: I wanted to be a proffessional handball player (to be fast, strong and sharp - hmm - alcohol wouldnt be the best way), then I realized that I dont need alcohol at all so I dint start drinking for New Year  Eve or birthday celebrations. For me alcohol and drug fun is too artificial and I like only natural things and natural people. Fun with people who were high or drunk seemed to me very unsecure (for myself). I didnt know what was real and what was just in their head and which nice moment would stay and which would disappear forever. SInce I didnt drink at all I became an alien for some people.  It was very nice revealing feeling when I found out that there were more such aliens as I was =) So I became a member of EGTYF. By being member I got a new perspective on my temperance. It was impact of alcohol on society. Not "only" on individual health. I became more interested in alcohol questions and the result is that I really dont think and I dont see ANY argument for alcohol in our lives (regarding consumption). I dont like the fact that many people die and suffer because of alcohol, I dont like the fact that it is used for manipulation, that it is used for hiding probems, that it is just a business for those who bring it into society every day (there are no health reasons, there is no wellfare reason,  just money). So my standpoint is not to support alcohol and alcohol industry at all. One think is not to drink it..BUT there is also a broader aspect of this issue. I would never work as a bartender, I would never give alcohol to somebody as present, I even wouldnt accept it as a present. I simply wouldnt contribute to its distribution.

There are many people who are teatotalers, but who agree to sell alcohol. Their question and argument is: "should I be unemployed? It is just a job." Yes it is job but it is we who can decide and who can create an opinion in society. If thousands and thousands of poeple would say NO to something like that - alcohol would get another connotation. It would not be an ordinary thing in our lives. And then there would be more people who would dare NOT to drink there where it is expected...


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